The Control Unit
The control unit is the center of the MERLIN system in that, one way or another, everything connects to it.
Feature Package 2, which contains the software that enables you to customize your MERLIN system, is a cartridge that plugs into your control unit. It can be used with the control unit for Models 206,410, or 820. These models differ from one another in the number of outside lines and voice terminals (MERLIN system telephones) that they support.
The diagrams on the next two pages show the parts of your control unit. The diagram of the Model 410 control unit serves to illustrate both Model 410 and Model 206.
1. Red Warning Light
The red Iight warns you about problems in the system. (See "Troubleshooting Chart," pages
2. Green Power Light
The green light indicates that power is on.
3. Admin/Normal Switch
When you administer the system, set this switch to Admin. You can leave it in the Admin position permanently, even during normal operation, if you wish. However, to ensure that no accidental administration takes place, you may want to set it back to Normal (see page 17).
4. ToII Prefix/Area Code Switch
If you use a 1 or 0 as a prefix when dialing
5. Tone/Pulse Switch
If you have
6. Auxiliary Power
The Auxiliary Power Unit plugs in here to provide the auxiliary power you need if you have an unusual number of accessories, for example,
7. On/Off Switch (Model 820 only)
Controls electrical power to the MERLIN system.
8.AC Power Input (Model 820 only)
The electrical power cord plugs in here.