To determine a partlet's version:
1.From the FLEX PC Partner Shell, click the partlet's icon.
2.From the File menu, click Properties. The partlet’s version number displays.
Managing Your Address Book
The FLEX PC Partner Address Book enables you to transfer the Address Book information from your PageWriter 2000X
Address Book management includes:
•Transferring Address Book information between your pager and your PC
•Managing your Address Book files on your PC
•Managing Address Book entries for individuals
•Managing Address Book entries for groups
•Printing Address Book information
Transferring Address Book Information
The FLEX PC Partner application enables you to transfer your Address Book information from your pager to your PC where it can be easily edited or stored as a backup file. Edited Address Book files should be transferred back to your pager to synchronize your PC and pager Address Books.
ÄFiles saved to your PC use an .ADR extension. Information in
.ADR files can be edited through the FLEX PC Partner Address Book partlet.
ÄThe amount of RAM in your pager is always checked when you connect it to the PC. If the RAM is low, a message on the pager warning of the low RAM condition displays, asking if you want to reset your pager to free up used space in RAM. If you select Yes, the pager restarts. If you select No, your pager automati- cally exits the PC Partner application.
58 PageWriter 2000X User’s Guide
To transfer your Address Book information from your pager to your PC:
1.Snap your pager into the docking station.
2.On your pager, select from the menu wheel,
then select and wait for the Connection Status screen:
Paging functions are temporarily suspended while your pager is connected to your PC. Incoming messages will be retained by the paging service provider until your pager is disconnected from your PC.
3.On your PC, open the FLEX PC Partner Shell, then
Address Book.
4.Click , or from the File menu, click Get From Pager.
5.Click Connect. Status messages on your PC screen notify you of the progress of the transfer. When the transfer is complete, the Address Book is updated on your PC.
You can now add, edit, or delete Address Book information on your PC. After editing Address Book information on your PC, you can save it to a file on your PC or send the information back to your pager to update the Address Book on your pager.
TIP When you select Get From Pager, the currently open Address Book on your PC is replaced by the Address Book being transferred from your pager. Before transferring the file, save the Address Book on your PC to another file name.
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