quick start
To enable/disable LED alarms
Scheduling a Delayed Send
Configuring Your PageWriter
To reset your pager
❸ Charging the Battery
Double-click Backup Utility
Setting the Date and Time
To clean up an inbox
Double-click Restore Utility
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Image 1
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❶ Installing the Battery
❸ Charging the Battery
PageWriterTM User’s Manual
Motorola License Agreement
Using This Manual
On the PageWriter 2000X Smart Pager
Bold Text
Additional Information
On the PC
Finding Help
Getting Started
Paging Service Instructions
What’s in the Box?
How Your PageWriter 2000X Works
Home Screen
PageWriterTM 2000X User’s Manual
How Your PageWriter 2000X Works
Standard Control Keys
Text Field Button Field Cursor
Alt-mode Functions
Alt Functions
Shift-mode Functions
Battery and Charger
To remove the battery for charging
To recharge the battery outside of the pager
To recharge the battery without removing it from the pager
To replace the battery
Transformer Two-pronged Plug Round Connector
To connect the docking station to your computer
Infrared Port
To reset your pager
System Setup
Turning On and Off Your PagerWriter
To turn on your pager
Configuring Your PageWriter
To set the transmission mode
To change the message text size
Setting the Date and Time
To turn on/off the audible keyboard click
To set the date/time
To select the date format
To select an alert mode
To select the time format
Assigning Alert Modes
Assigning Alert Types
To select an alert type
To add an individual
Entering Addresses
Select New Individual Entry
Editing Addresses
To add a group
Select New Group Entry
To change the name of a group
To edit an individual address
To change the group’s membership
To delete an address
Deleting Addresses
Writing Messages
To write a message
To import a message
Importing Messages
Adding Quick Text
Attaching Message Replies
To add Quick Text to your message
To attach Replies to your message
Saving Your Message to the Drafts Inbox
To schedule the transmission of a message
Scheduling a Delayed Send
Filing a Message Draft
To file the draft of a message before transmission
Entering a One-Time Address
To set a one-time address
Reading Incoming Messages
To read an incoming message
Setting a Reminder Message Alarm
To read a message from the Message Area screen
Sending Responses
To set a reminder message alarm
To send a custom reply
To send a canned reply
To forward a message
Forwarding Messages
Filing Messages
To save a message to an inbox
To delete a message from the Messages list
Deleting Messages
To delete a message from the open Message screen
Managing the Message Area
To create a personal inbox
To assign routing rules
To rename a personal inbox
To assign a cleanup schedule to an inbox
To clean up an inbox
To set the alert type for an inbox
To view the messages in an inbox
To delete a personal inbox
To resend messages from the Outbox
To cancel outgoing messages in the Outbox
To resend a failed message from the Outbox
To forward messages from the Outbox
To view message information
To restore a message from the Trashcan
To empty the Trashcan
To view system information
Enabling and Disabling Alerts and Alarms
To view memory usage
To view owner information
To enable/disable LED alarms
To enable/disable the unread message alert
Setting Up Internet Fax Service
To set up an Internet fax service
To select message text size
To use the contrast calibration guide
To turn on/off the key clicks
Customizing Message Features
To create a signature
Select Send Options
To edit Quick Text
To create Quick Text
Quiet Time
To set quiet time
Maintaining Inboxes and Applications
To clean up all inboxes
To delete applications
Select Delete Applications
To set an alarm
Setting the Alarm Clock
Introducing Flex PC Partner
Flex PC Partner
PC Hardware Requirements
To install Flex PC Partner on your PC
Installing Flex PC Partner on Your PC
PC Software Requirements
Flex PC Partner Online Help
To configure Flex PC Partner
Configuring Flex PC Partner
Flex PC Partner and click Flex PC Partner
To open the Flex PC Partner Shell
Using the PC Partner Shell
To determine a partlets version
To open a Flex PC Partner partlet from the Shell
Managing Your Address Book
Transferring Address Book Information
PageWriterTM 2000X User’s Manual
Flex PC Partner
To create an Address Book file on your PC
Managing Address Book Files
To save an open Address Book file on your PC
To open an Address Book file on your PC
To save an open Address Book file under a new name
To merge two Address Book files on your PC
To delete an Address Book file from your PC
To import Address Books from other PC-based applications
Managing Addresses of Individuals
To add an individual to the Address Book on your PC
Managing Addresses of Groups
To delete an individual from the Address Book on your PC
To add addresses to a group in the Address Book on your PC
To add a group to the Address Book on your PC
To delete a group from the Address Book on your PC
Printing Address Book Information
To set up a Flex PC Partner printer
To preview your printed Address Book information
Managing Your Messages
To print your Address Book information
To transfer messages from your pager to your PC
Double-click Message Manager
To print messages
To read messages previously stored on your PC
To copy text from a message to another PC application
To install a new application on your pager
Installing and Removing Applications
To save messages to your PC
Double-click Application Manager
Double-click Backup Utility
To copy data from your pager to your PC for backup
To remove an application from your pager
Backing-up and Restoring Information
Double-click Restore Utility
To restore data to your pager from your PC
Checking Memory Usage on Your PageWriter
Flex PC Partner and click Uninstall Partner
Uninstalling Flex PC Partner
Memory Management System
To check memory usage on your pager
PageWriterTM 2000X User’s Manual
General Safety Instructions
Proper Care and Cleaning
Pager Transmitter Safety
Battery Safety
Agency Approvals
Battery Charger Safety
Patent Information
PageWriter 2000X Specifications
Commonly Asked Questions
Why won’t my pager power up?
My screen is too dark or too light. How do I change it?
My pager is acting funny. What’s wrong?
Why does the Home screen status line read Storing Messages?
Why don’t I receive messages?
Why do I keep getting reminder alerts?
Why don’t I get alerted for incoming messages?
Why does my pager keep alerting me to the same message?
Why does the sending of my messages fail?
Why are my incoming messages placed in the wrong inbox?
Why are messages disappearing from my inboxes?
Charger’s LED doesn’t light. What should I do?
Flex PC Partner
What caused my application installation to fail?
PageWriterTM 2000X User’s Manual
PageWriterTM 2000X User’s Manual
ONE 1 Year Standard Limited Warranty Provisions U.S.A. only
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50 pages
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