Book on your PC. Send the final merged Address Book to your pager.
8.On your pager, select .
Your paging functions are suspended while a connection
exists between your pager and PC. When you have
finished transferring data, select to
Managing Address Book Files
Managing your Address Book files comprises creating, saving, opening, merging, importing and deleting the files.
Your pager does not need to be connected to your PC to perform the following procedures, unless noted otherwise.
TIP Delete .ADR files that you no longer need.
To create an Address Book file on your PC:
1.On your PC, open the FLEX PC Partner Shell, then
Address Book.
2.Click , or from the File menu, click New. If an existing Address Book file is open, FLEX PC Partner prompts you to save your changes before closing it.
A blank Address Book appears, ready for you to enter new addresses and create new groups.
3.Upon completing entries in your new Address Book, click
,or select the File menu, then click Save.
4.Select the file location, type the name for the new Address Book file, then click Save.
To save an open Address Book file on your PC:
With the Address Book file open, click , or from the File menu, click Save.
If this Address Book file has not been saved already, FLEX PC Partner prompts you for a file name. Type the file name, then click OK.