12.Press to move to the Alert field. Press
left or right to select the type of alarm you want (audible, vibrate, etc.).
13.To set other alarm times, repeat for the second and third alarm tabs.
14.Select to save the settings and return to the menu wheel.
FLEX PC Partner
Introducing FLEX PC Partner
The FLEX™ PC Partner application enables you to transfer information between your personal computer (PC) and your PageWriter 2000X smart pager. The application enables you to manage the following common information management tasks:
∙Adding information to your Address Book on your PC, then updating the Address Book on your pager
∙Copying information from your pager to your PC (as a backup or for editing purposes)
∙Copying information from your PC to your pager
∙Printing all messages stored on your pager
∙Copying all messages stored on your pager to your PC
∙Installing a new application on your pager
∙Updating the operating system on your pager
The FLEX PC Partner application handles the various information transfers and related operations with small component programs. The Partner applets, or partlets, are accessed from a control panel known as the Shell.
PC Hardware Requirements
In order to connect properly with your pager, your PC must meet the following minimum requirements:
∙16 MB RAM
∙7 MB of available storage on the computer's hard drive
∙VGA monitor with 640x480 resolution
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