3.Optional Functions
27)Station Paging and Response
28)Paging Priovity and Response
29)Combination Paging and Response
Combination paging zones which cover 2 or more
independent paging zones is allowed in the system.
30)Paging during Normal Call
Calls can be transferred to a third party after paging while speaking.
31)Personal Number Paging
Zone paging is made by Personal Numbers when Personal Numbers are registered into any designated station within a zone.
32)PA Paging and Response
Conference calls can be made including up to 4
The operation of
36)In/Out Annunciation
(Interface for the Indicator Board needs to be made by using Data Transmitter DT E11 and Receiver DR- B61)
In or Out status is annunciated by registration/ cancellation of Personal Numbers.
37)Destination Annunciation Indication
(Interface for the Indicator Board is to be made by using Data Transmitter
38)Calling Party Indication [Lamp Type]
(Interface for the Indicator Board is made by using Data Transmitter
39)Calling Party Indication
A numerical type calling party indication panel can be provided at certain specified stations.
40)Pager Calling and Response
(Interface is accomplished by using Data Transmitter
Pagers with relay input interface can be connected.
41)General Purpose Control
(Make the Indicator Board and General Purpose Control Interface by using Data Transmitter
Various types of Relay Output modes for control are available. Use as Remote Control for such applica- tions as In/Out Annunciation, Destination Annuncia- tion Indication, VTR and ITV.
42)Simplified Paging
Simplfied PA paging is possible if an external speaker is connected instead of a station.
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