C. Programming of each Function
tion Function
Executive Priority
Continuous Calling
Station Allowed
Access to All Call
Stations Allowed
Access to
Automatic Access to
AStations Allowed Access to
Stations Allowed Access to Make/ Break Output
Stations Allowed Access
to 8 Selectable/ Decimal Output
Stations Allowed Access to 4 Decimal Digits Output
tion | 1st Parameter | 2nd Parameter 3rd Parameter 4th Parameter | OPERATING FOR PROGRAMMING |
Code |
50 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
51 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
52 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
53 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
54 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
56 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
57 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
58 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
59 | Station No. | ON/OFF (1/0) |
| Secretary Transfer | 60 | Executive | Secretary Station |
| Station No. | No. |
| ||
| ||
B | Master/Sub | 61 | Sub Station No. | Mater Station No. |
| Group Hunting | 62 | Main station No. | Transfered Station |
| No. |
| Paging Zone |
| 01~21 | The First Station The Last Station |
| ||
| 70 | Zone No. 01~45 | No. of the Zone | No. of the Zone |
| ||
C | Group Blocking: |
| The First Station | The Last Station |
| |
Establishment of | 71 | Group No. (1~6) |
| ||||
| Each Group |
| No. of the Group | No. of the Group |
| |
| |
| Group of Calling | 72 | Group No. (1~6) | The First Station | The Last Station |
| |
| Party Indication | No. of the Group | No. of the Group |
| |||
| Group Blocking: |
| Calling Group No. | Called Group No.(s) | (1~8) |
| |
| Allowing Calls | 81 |
| ||||
| (1~8) | (Plural) |
| ||
| Among Groups |
| ||
D |
| Group Blocking: | 82 | Paging Zone No. of | Paing Group No.(s) |
| (1~6) |
| Allowing Access | Paged Group | (Plural) |
| |
| to Paging Zones |
| (00~21, 00~45) |
| |
| ||
| Hardwired Station | Programmed Sta- |
| No. | tion No. |
| Programable |
| *1 | *2 |
E | 90 |
| |
Station Numbering |
| ||
| |
| The First | The Last | The First | The Last | |
| Hardwired | Hardwired | Programmed | Programmed | |
| Station No. | Station No. | Station No. | Station No. |
1 Station No.'s except Programmed Station No.'s are Hardwired Station No.'s No. 100~/200~/300~/400~/470~/500~/600~/700~/740~/800~/900~.
2 Programmed Station No.'s are No. 200~999/No. 100~999.
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