Storing Phone Numbers
Memory Dialing allows you to dial a number using just a few key presses. Your EXA3955 stores up to 12 numbers in the handset plus 10 numbers in the base.
With the Handset
Your EXA3955 has 10 memory locations and 2
• The pause button |
counts as one digit. |
Pressing redial/p more |
than once increases |
the length of pause |
between numbers. |
• You must press a key |
within 20 seconds or |
Digital Spread Spectrum
talk low batt
talk | int'cm | flash |
1 | 2abc | 3def |
4ghi | 5jkl | 6mno |
7pqrs | 8 tuv | 9wxyz |
tone | 0oper | # |
mute | mem 1 mem 2 | channel |
1Remove the handset from the base.
2Press memory . You will hear a beep and the talk/low batt LED flashes.
3Enter the phone number, up to 20 digits. If a pause is needed during the dialing sequence, press redial/p to insert a pause. Each pause counts as a digit and represents a two second delay in time between digits as they are sent.
4Press memory again.
5Enter the memory location
press mem 1 or mem 2 . A tone indicates that the number is stored. If you enter a number in a location that has a previously stored number it will overwrite the existing number without warning.
the phone will return |
to standby. |