For units without a 7 day time clock, skip Steps #9 and #10.
9. Set Nighttime Temperature
Set the nighttime temperature setting to the desired nighttime space temperature, the nighttime temperature setting is located inside the TSCP Space Heat remote panel which should be mounted in the space. The TSCP Space Heat remote panel controls image is found on page 13.
For the unit to function properly, the daytime temperature setting should always be set higher than the nighttime temperature.
10.Program the 7 Day Time Clock
Follow the detailed Programming and Operating Instructions for 7 Day Time Clock that shipped with the unit. Set the timer ON times to the times when the daytime temperature setting is to be used. Set the timer OFF times to the times when the nighttime temperature setting is to be used.
11.Flame Signal Check
To measure the flame signal connect a standard DC voltmeter to the flame amplifier test jacks + and - (com) as shown. The flame signal should be above 1.25 VDC and steady.
Check the flame signal with the burner at pilot only, minimum fire,
Flame Signal Check
If the flame signal is not above 1.25 VDC and steady, consult the Troubleshooting section.
14 DGX Industrial Space Heating