Additional Safety Precautions
The output terminals are energized when the engine is running. The CV output will be
For constant voltage welding, place the CC/CV mode switch in the CV position. Connect the wire feeder to the CV negative output terminal and connect the work to the positive standard output terminal. For electrode positive, reverse the output leads. The negative stan- dard output terminal is not used for CV welding of either polarity. Refer to diagrams section to determine the correct connection to the remote control recepta- cle.
When the WFM is in the “CV” mode, the maximum auxiliary power will be reduced by 25%. To obtain maximum auxiliary output, place the CC/CV switch in the CC position.
If the current rating of the welder is exceeded, a ther- mostat will reduce the output voltage to approximately 5 volts. The thermostat will reset automatically as the machine cools. If the thermostat trips, lower the wire feed speed and output voltage or reduce Duty Cycle.
The output voltage is set with the voltage control dial mounted on the control panel. Set the “Current Range Selector" to the
For Coarse Current Control on the
Recommended Processes
Refer to latest Lincoln Bulletins on (Gas Metal Arc Welding) and (Innershield Welding) with the fol- lowing electrodes:
.030” Super Arc
.035” Super Arc
.045” Super Arc
Engine Speed Adjustments
Any increase in the engine RPM by changing the governor setting or overriding the throttle linkage will cause an increase in the A.C. auxiliary volt- age. If this voltage goes above 140 volts, the con- trol circuits of the WFM and wire feeders will be damaged. The engine governor setting is
Have qualified personnel do the maintenance and troubleshooting work. Turn the engine off before beginning to troubleshoot.
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