bdiGDB for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 | User Manual 41 |
3.3.3 Breakpoint Handling
There are two breakpoint modes supported. One of them (SOFT) is implemented by replacing appli- cation code with a BKPT instruction. The other (HARD) uses the built in breakpoint logic. If HARD is selected, only up to 6 breakpoints can be active at the same time.
The following example selects SOFT as the breakpoint mode:
BREAKMODE SOFT | ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses hardware breakpoints |
The BDI supports only a GDB version that uses a
3.3.4 GDB monitor command
The BDI supports the GDB V5.x "monitor" command. Telnet commands are executed and the Telnet output is returned to GDB.
(gdb) target remote bdi2000:2001 Remote debugging using bdi2000:2001 0x10b2 in start ()
(gdb) monitor md 0 1
00000000 : 0xe59ff018 - 442503144 ...
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