The vise can hold material up to six inches wide and be set to cut angles from 0 to 45 degrees.
To adjust the angle on the vise:
1.Loosen the lock nut with a 12mm hex wrench or socket as shown in Figure 30.
2.Use the scale as a guide to set your angle or use a machinist square to square the blade to the vise as shown in Figure 31.
3.Tighten the lock nut.
Figure 30. Setting vise angle.
Figure 31. Squaring vise to blade.
4.Loosen the lock nut in Figure 32 on the opposite jaw so the jaw can float, and match the angle of the workpiece.
5.Tighten the vise against the workpiece.
Figure 32. Vise jaw lock-nut.
Blade Guides
The blade guides should be as close to the workpiece as possible. This will help ensure straight cuts by keeping the blade from twisting and drifting off the cut line.
To adjust the blade guides:
1.Loosen the knobs shown in Figure 33 and slide the blade guides as close to the workpiece as possible, then tighten the knobs.
Blade Guides