Woodstock W1812 manual DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek, Xe`eDXZ`e

Page 14



› =cffiCfX[1 This machine distributes a heavy load in a small footprint. Some residential floors may require additional bracing to support both machine and operator.

› Nfib`e^:c\XiXeZ\j1 Consider existing and anticipated needs, size of material to be processed through the machine, and space for auxiliary stands, work tables or other machinery when establishing a location for your planer/moulder.

› C`^_k`e^1 Lighting should be bright enough to eliminate shadow and prevent eye strain.



=`^li\4. Minimum working clearances.

LJ< _\cg\ij fi gfn\i c`]k`e^ \hl`gd\ek kf c`]k k_\ gcXe\i&dflc[\i.

Fk_\in`j\# j\i`flj g\i$ jfeXc`ealipdXpfZZli.

D8B< pfli j_fg ÈZ_`c[ jX]\.É <ejli\ k_Xk pfli nfibgcXZ\ `j `eXZZ\jj`Yc\ kf Z_`c[i\e Yp Zcfj`e^ Xe[ cfZb`e^Xcc\ekiXeZ\jn_\e pflXi\XnXp.E<M<IXccfn lekiX`e\[ m`j`kfij `e pfli j_fg n_\e Xjj\dYc`e^# X[aljk`e^ fi fg\iXk`e^ \hl`gd\ek.


The table and other unpainted parts of your planer/moulder are coated with a waxy grease that protects them from corrosion during shipment. Clean this grease off with a solvent cleaner or citrus-based degreaser. DO NOT use chlorine-based solvents such as brake parts cleaner or acetone—if you happen to splash some onto a painted surface, you will ruin the finish.

E<M<IZc\Xen`k_^Xjfc`e\ fi fk_\i g\kifc\ld$ YXj\[jfcm\ekj.Dfjk_Xm\ cfn ]cXj_ gf`ekj# n_`Z_ dXb\ k_\d \oki\d\cp ]cXddXYc\. 8 i`jb f] \ogcfj`fe Xe[ Ylie`e^ \o`jkj `] k_\j\ gif[lZkj Xi\lj\[.J\i`fljg\ijfeXc `ealip dXp fZZli `] k_`j nXie`e^`j`^efi\[

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ZXi\ n_\e [`jgfj`e^ f] nXjk\ iX^j Xe[ kfn\cj kf Y\ jli\ k_\p ;F EFK Zi\Xk\ ]`i\ fi \em`ifed\ekXc_XqXi[j.



Image 14 Contents
DLCGHB6CJ6A Model W1812 Variable Speed Planer Moulder With Stand Page Fek\ekj @EKIFLK@FE@EKIFLK@FE NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfikFekifcjXe=\Xkli\j J8=KPB68=C HE886IDCH Lkk\i\X @efidXk`fe J8=KP D8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP% `k`feXcJX\kpfiGcXe\i&Dflc\ij \Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej Fg\iXk`feOk\ej`fefij 9fo@em\ekfip=`li\3 LegXZb`e@em\ekfip DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek \Xe`eDXZ`e\`k`eXeDfm`e Dflek`ekfJfg=cffi8jj\dYcp KfXjj\dYc\k\gcXe\i&dflc\i#fk\j\jk\gj1Jklg Loom Ljkfcc\Zk`fe \Zfdd\e\=DXkljkGfik1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +=D\jkIle Kfk\jkilek\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1FGI8K@FEJ \e\iXc Disconnect the PLANER/MOULDER from Power @ejkXcc`eGcXe`eBe`m\j@ejkXcc`eDflc`eBe`m\j Kf`ejkXccdflc`ebe`m\j#fk\j\jk\gj1=\\Ifcc\i?\`kXe Jgi`eK\ej`fe KfXaljkk\\\ifcc\ijgi`ek\ej`fe#fk\j\jk\gj1FGI8K@FEJ Nfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`fe ?8IGcXe`efjXefekj Dlck`gc\9fXi?XqXiGcXe`eFg\iXk`fe Avoiding KickbackDflc`e f j Xe fe kj \ =fid`e Be`\ c\XiXeZ\IfneDflc`eJlggfik `q\Nfibg`\Z\8ggifgi`Xk\cp \Dflc`eKXccNfibg`\Z\j Dflc`eFg\iXk`fe 8JJFI@J Df\c**0*Çcc`gk`ZXcA`Df\c.*ÇJ`ec\Ifcc\iJkXe Çljkfcc\Zkfi+0ÇCXi\ljkfcc\Zk`feJ\gXiXkfi Df\c.+Ç,Ifcc\iJkXeKXYc\Xe9Xj\ \Xe`e\Xe`e=\\Dfkfi ClYi`ZXk`fe KfclYi`ZXk\k\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1Xe`e=\\Dfkfi 9ilj\j To replace feed motor brushes, do these steps=\\Ifcc\i$kf$KXYc\ 8c`ed\ek KfZ\Zbk\\\ifcc\i$kf$kXYc\Xc`ed\ek#fk\j\ jk\gj1To adjust the drive chain slack, do these steps `m\X`e8aljkd\ek`Y 8aljkd\ek Wiring Diagram Color KEY \Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej`i`e `XiXd \Zki`ZXcfdgfe\ekCfZXk`fej KiflYc\jffk`e GIF9CDRemove/replace brushes Excessive snipe there is G8IKJ ?\XjkfZb?\XjkfZbGXikjC`jk DX`eDfkfiXeXY`e\k =\\DfkfiXefekifcj =\\DfkfiXefekifcjGXikjC`jk CXY\cGcXZ\d\ek NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe NFFJKFB@EKIE8K@FE8C@E. G.F.9FO*0 9CC@E?8D#N80/.$*0 N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah
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