Woodstock W1812 manual `q\Nfibg`\Z\8ggifgi`Xk\cp

Page 31





Make sure to cut your workpiece to the correct width for


the knife being used (Figure 39). To improve knife life


and workpiece results when cutting in very hard woods,


use a table saw to rabbet out some of the profile before


running the workpiece into the planer/moulder.


Never cut into moulding that is wider than the knife.


Otherwise, the knife will overheat, burn the wood, and


dull rapidly.





Figure 39. Correct workpiece sizing.



Make sure to use the guide rails (Figure 40), so the moulding profile can be cut with maximum safety and without wander, twisting, or profile misalignment.

Do not attempt to cut moulding without using the guide rails. Otherwise the workpiece could shift and be ejected from the machine and cause severe injury, or the mould- ing pattern could be inconsistent from one strip of mold- ing to another.



Figure 40. Using the guide rails.


Image 31
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Model W1812 Variable Speed Planer Moulder With Stand Page @EKIFLK@FE Fek\ekjNffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik @EKIFLK@FEJ8=KP FekifcjXe=\Xkli\jB68=C HE886IDCH Lkk\i\X@efidXk`fe J8=KP +% 8CN8PJCFBDF9@C98JJ@=LJ 9=FIFGI8K@ED8?@EIP%  D8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP%EFK i`jb pfli jX\kp Yp efki\X`e `k`feXcJX\kpfiGcXe\i&Dflc\ijOk\ej`fefij Fg\iXk`fe\Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej @em\ekfip LegXZb`e9fo@em\ekfip=`li\3 \Xe`eDXZ`e\ DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ekDflek`ekfJfg=cffi `k`eXeDfm`eKfXjj\dYc\k\gcXe\i&dflc\i#fk\j\jk\gj1 8jj\dYcpJklg Loom Ljkfcc\Zk`fe Kfk\jkilek\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jkIle\e\iXc FGI8K@FEJKf`ejkXcck\gcXe`ebe`m\j#fk\j\jk\gj1 @ejkXcc`eGcXe`eBe`m\jKf`ejkXccdflc`ebe`m\j#fk\j\jk\gj1 @ejkXcc`eDflc`eBe`m\jKfXaljkk\\\ifcc\ijgi`ek\ej`fe#fk\j\jk\gj1 =\\Ifcc\i?\`kXe Jgi`eK\ej`feFGI8K@FEJ ?8I Nfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`feGcXe`efjXefekj Avoiding Kickback GcXe`eFg\iXk`fe\jlck`ej\m\i\`ealipXedXZ`e\XdX\ Dflc`efjXefekjIfneDflc`eJlggfik `q\Nfibg`\Z\8ggifgi`Xk\cp \Dflc`eKXccNfibg`\Z\j Dflc`eFg\iXk`fe Df\c**0*Çcc`gk`ZXcA` 8JJFI@JDf\c.+Ç,Ifcc\iJkXe Çljkfcc\Zkfi+0ÇCXi\ljkfcc\Zk`feJ\gXiXkfi Df\c.*ÇJ`ec\Ifcc\iJkXe\Xe`e=\\Dfkfi \Xe`eKXYc\Xe9Xj\ KfclYi`ZXk\k\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 ClYi`ZXk`feXe`e=\\Dfkfi 9ilj\j JIM@=\\Ifcc\i$kf$KXYc\ 8c`ed\ek `m\X`e8aljkd\ek To adjust the drive chain slack, do these steps`Y8aljkd\ek To adjust the headstock gib, do these steps\Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej Wiring Diagram Color KEYJkfg `i`e`XiXd\Zki`ZXcfdgfe\ekCfZXk`fej GIF9CD KiflYc\jffk`eRemove/replace brushes Excessive snipe there is ?\XjkfZb G8IKJ?\XjkfZbGXikjC`jk DX`eDfkfiXeXY`e\k =\\DfkfiXefekifcj =\\DfkfiXefekifcjGXikjC`jk CXY\cGcXZ\d\ek NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe Place Stamp Here N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah