Woodstock W1812 manual @ejkXcc`eDflc`eBe`m\j, Kf`ejkXccdflc`ebe`m\j#fk\j\jk\gj1

Page 23




REMEMBER, moulding knives have many different pro- files, before starting the machine, always verify that the moulding knives do not contact any part of the workpiece guide rails, feed roller swing arm, or the table surface. =X`cli\ kf m\i`]p be`]\ Zc\XiXeZ\ dXp i\jlck`ej\m\i\`ealipXe[dXZ_`e\[XdX^\



). Pull the pin shown in =`^li\23, and remove the chip deflector.

*. Put on heavy leather gloves, and use a 14mm wrench to remove the knife bolts, washers, and any knives (if installed).

+. Remove any dust, wood chips, and pitch from the cutterhead knife seat and lip (=`^li\24).

,. Place the moulding knife against the cutterhead lip with the beveled side of the blade facing up (=`^li\ 24), and in the inboard position (=`^li\25) leaving only one set of holes (=`^li\25). Should you for any reason need to position moulding knives on the outboard position of the cutterhead, you must leave one set of holes exposed if the at that end also.

-. Line up the holes and secure the knife to the cutterhead with the knife bolts and washers (=`^li\ 25).

.. Make sure the knife did not move away from the cutterhead lip when tightened, then rotate the cutterhead to the bottom.

/. Install the other moulding knife.

0. Set the guide rail alignment for clearance, and set the depth stop to maintain moulding knife to table clearance.

10.Adjust the feed rollers and spring tension as outlined in Feed Roller Height and Spring Tension on Page 21.



=`^li\23.Removing the chip deflector.

Bevel Side




=`^li\24.Moulding knife installation.


Inboard Side


For Clearance


Safety, Leave These


Holes Exposed If

Outboard Side

Using Some Larger

Moulding Knives


=`^li\25.Knives positioned inboard.


Image 23 Contents
DLCGHB6CJ6A Model W1812 Variable Speed Planer Moulder With Stand Page @EKIFLK@FE Fek\ekjNffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik @EKIFLK@FEJ8=KP FekifcjXe=\Xkli\jB68=C HE886IDCH Lkk\i\X @efidXk`fe J8=KP D8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP% `k`feXcJX\kpfiGcXe\i&Dflc\ij \Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej Fg\iXk`feOk\ej`fefij 9fo@em\ekfip=`li\3 LegXZb`e@em\ekfip \Xe`eDXZ`e\ DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ekDflek`ekfJfg=cffi `k`eXeDfm`eKfXjj\dYc\k\gcXe\i&dflc\i#fk\j\jk\gj1 8jj\dYcpJklg Loom \Zfdd\e\=DXkljkGfik1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +=D Ljkfcc\Zk`feKfk\jkilek\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jkIle\e\iXc FGI8K@FEJ@ejkXcc`eGcXe`eBe`m\j  Disconnect the PLANER/MOULDER from PowerKf`ejkXccdflc`ebe`m\j#fk\j\jk\gj1 @ejkXcc`eDflc`eBe`m\jKfXaljkk\\\ifcc\ijgi`ek\ej`fe#fk\j\jk\gj1 =\\Ifcc\i?\`kXe Jgi`eK\ej`feFGI8K@FEJ ?8I Nfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`feDlck`gc\9fXi?XqXi GcXe`efjXefekjAvoiding Kickback GcXe`eFg\iXk`fe\ =fid`e Be`\ c\XiXeZ\ Dflc`e f j Xe fe kjIfneDflc`eJlggfik `q\Nfibg`\Z\8ggifgi`Xk\cp \Dflc`eKXccNfibg`\Z\j Dflc`eFg\iXk`fe Df\c**0*Çcc`gk`ZXcA` 8JJFI@JDf\c.+Ç,Ifcc\iJkXe Çljkfcc\Zkfi+0ÇCXi\ljkfcc\Zk`feJ\gXiXkfi Df\c.*ÇJ`ec\Ifcc\iJkXeKXYc\Xe9Xj\ \Xe`e\Xe`e=\\Dfkfi KfclYi`ZXk\k\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 ClYi`ZXk`feTo replace feed motor brushes, do these steps Xe`e=\\Dfkfi 9ilj\jKfZ\Zbk\\\ifcc\i$kf$kXYc\Xc`ed\ek#fk\j\ jk\gj1 =\\Ifcc\i$kf$KXYc\ 8c`ed\ek`m\X`e8aljkd\ek To adjust the drive chain slack, do these steps`Y 8aljkd\ek \Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej Wiring Diagram Color KEY`i`e `XiXd \Zki`ZXcfdgfe\ekCfZXk`fej GIF9CD KiflYc\jffk`eRemove/replace brushes Excessive snipe there is ?\XjkfZb G8IKJ?\XjkfZbGXikjC`jk DX`eDfkfiXeXY`e\k =\\DfkfiXefekifcj =\\DfkfiXefekifcjGXikjC`jk CXY\cGcXZ\d\ek NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe NFFJKFB@EKIE8K@FE8C@E. G.F.9FO*0 9CC@E?8D#N80/.$*0 N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah
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