This section covers the most common service adjustments or procedures that may need to be made during the life of your machine.
If you require additional machine service information not included in this section, please contact Woodstock International Technical Support at (360)
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If the feed motor fails, is noisy, warmer than usual, or appears to run sluggishly, the brushes may need to be replaced.
To replace feed motor brushes, do these steps:
2.Unscrew the both motor dust cover retaining screws and remove the dust cover Figure 52.
3.Unscrew the brush covers from both sides of the motor, and remove the brushes, shown in Figure 53.
4.Vacuum out carbon dust from the motor and both brush bores. DO NOT blow dust out with compressed air!
5.Insert new brushes into the slots in the motor housing, ensuring that the brush caps are threaded in com- pletely until they stop.
6.Screw the brush caps in place.
7.Reinstall the motor dust cover.
8.Test run the feed motor.
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Motor Dust Cover and
Retaining Screws
Figure 52. Feed motor end view.
| Brush Bore |
Motor Brush |
| |
| |
| ||
Cap and |
Spring |
Figure 53. One of two feed motor