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1.INSTRUCTION MANUAL. This machine presents significant safety hazards to untrained users. Read/ understand this entire manual before starting the planer/moulder.
2.REACHING INSIDE PLANER/MOULDER. Never reach inside planer/moulder or remove covers when the planer/moulder is connected to power.
3.INFEED CLEARANCE SAFETY. The infeed roller is designed to pull material into the cutterhead. Always keep hands, clothing, and long hair away from the infeed roller during operation to pre- vent serious injury.
4.BODY POSITION WHILE OPERATING. The workpiece may kick out during operation. To avoid get- ting hit, stand to the side of the planer/moulder during the entire operation.
5.PLANING CORRECT MATERIAL. Only plane natural wood stock with this planer/moulder. DO NOT plane MDF, plywood, laminates, or other synthetic products.
6.GRAIN DIRECTION. Cutting across or against the grain is hard on the planer/moulder and may increase the risk of workpiece kick out. Always cut with the grain or at a slight angle with the grain.
7.LOOKING INSIDE PLANER/MOULDER. Wood chips fly around inside the planer/moulder at a high rate of speed. DO NOT look inside the machine or remove any guards or covers during operation.
8.KNIFE CLEARANCE. Before starting the machine, always verify that the moulding knives do not contact any part of the workpiece guide rails, feed roller swing arm, or the table surface.=X`cli\ kfm\i`]pbe`]\Zc\XiXeZ\dXpi\jlck`ej\m\i\`ealipXe[dXZ_`e\[XdX^\
9.REMOVING JAMMED WORKPIECES. To avoid serious injury, always stop the planer/moulder and disconnect power before removing jammed workpieces.
10.DULL/DAMAGED CUTTERS. The planer/moulder may kick out a workpiece at the operator or give poor finish results if it is operated with dull or damaged blades.
11.UNPLUGGING DURING ADJUSTMENTS. When connected to power, the planer/moulder can be acci- dentally turned ON. Always disconnect power when servicing or adjusting machine components.
12.WORKPIECE CLEARANCE. Always verify workpiece has enough room to exit the planer before starting.