Woodstock W1812 manual GcXe`efjXefekj, Dlck`gc\9fXi?XqXi

Page 27





There are some common planing mistakes that must be


avoided when planing.





Only plane one board at a time (Figure 33). Whether you


use guide rails or not, never attempt to plane more than


one board at a time side-by-side. If one board is slightly


lower that the other, the feed roller will only hold the


highest board, while the lower board will be free to slip


when the knife contacts it. This hazardous situation can


result in one board being ejected from the machine,


causing serious injury.



Figure 33. Only plane one board at a





If using a sacrificial table, you must clamp it to the cast iron table (Figure 34) to prevent workpiece ejection. Never stack two boards on top of one another and feed them both into the planer/moulder to compensate for a workpiece that may be too thin. Planing with two loose stacked boards can result in workpiece ejection, causing injury.



Figure 34. Sacrificial table mounting.


Image 27 Contents
DLCGHB6CJ6A Model W1812 Variable Speed Planer Moulder With Stand Page @EKIFLK@FE Fek\ekjNffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik @EKIFLK@FEJ8=KP FekifcjXe=\Xkli\jB68=C HE886IDCH Lkk\i\X @efidXk`fe J8=KP D8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP% `k`feXcJX\kpfiGcXe\i&Dflc\ij Fg\iXk`fe Ok\ej`fefij\Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej LegXZb`e @em\ekfip9fo@em\ekfip=`li\3 \Xe`eDXZ`e\ DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ekDflek`ekfJfg=cffi `k`eXeDfm`eKfXjj\dYc\k\gcXe\i&dflc\i#fk\j\jk\gj1 8jj\dYcpJklg Loom \Zfdd\e\=DXkljkGfik1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +=D Ljkfcc\Zk`feKfk\jkilek\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jkIle\e\iXc FGI8K@FEJ@ejkXcc`eGcXe`eBe`m\j  Disconnect the PLANER/MOULDER from PowerKf`ejkXccdflc`ebe`m\j#fk\j\jk\gj1 @ejkXcc`eDflc`eBe`m\jKfXaljkk\\\ifcc\ijgi`ek\ej`fe#fk\j\jk\gj1 =\\Ifcc\i?\`kXe Jgi`eK\ej`feFGI8K@FEJ ?8I Nfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`feDlck`gc\9fXi?XqXi GcXe`efjXefekjAvoiding Kickback GcXe`eFg\iXk`fe\ =fid`e Be`\ c\XiXeZ\ Dflc`e f j Xe fe kjIfneDflc`eJlggfik `q\Nfibg`\Z\8ggifgi`Xk\cp \Dflc`eKXccNfibg`\Z\j Dflc`eFg\iXk`fe Df\c**0*Çcc`gk`ZXcA` 8JJFI@JDf\c.+Ç,Ifcc\iJkXe Çljkfcc\Zkfi+0ÇCXi\ljkfcc\Zk`feJ\gXiXkfi Df\c.*ÇJ`ec\Ifcc\iJkXe\Xe`e \Xe`e=\\DfkfiKXYc\Xe9Xj\ KfclYi`ZXk\k\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 ClYi`ZXk`feTo replace feed motor brushes, do these steps Xe`e=\\Dfkfi 9ilj\jKfZ\Zbk\\\ifcc\i$kf$kXYc\Xc`ed\ek#fk\j\ jk\gj1 =\\Ifcc\i$kf$KXYc\ 8c`ed\ek`m\X`e8aljkd\ek To adjust the drive chain slack, do these steps`Y 8aljkd\ek \Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej Wiring Diagram Color KEY`i`e `XiXd \Zki`ZXcfdgfe\ekCfZXk`fej GIF9CD KiflYc\jffk`eRemove/replace brushes Excessive snipe there is ?\XjkfZb G8IKJ?\XjkfZbGXikjC`jk DX`eDfkfiXeXY`e\k =\\DfkfiXefekifcj =\\DfkfiXefekifcjGXikjC`jk CXY\cGcXZ\d\ek NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe NFFJKFB@EKIE8K@FE8C@E. G.F.9FO*0 9CC@E?8D#N80/.$*0 N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah
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