To make the setup process easier and more accurate, consider some of the aftermarket products available.
Here are some basic aftermarket items you might want to consider:
•Rotacator® — A rotating dial indicator on a magnetic base. Shown in Figures 34 and 35, this handy device allows you to set your table within .001" from being parallel with the cutterhead. The Rotacator® is indispensable for adjusting the table rollers and is also great for precisely setting feed rollers, the chip breaker and the pressure bar.
•Planer Pal® — Using powerful neodymium magnets, Planer Pal® (Figure 36) hold knives in place while freeing both hands to tighten the gib. Place one of these jigs on each end of the cutterhead, and you can set the knives in perfect alignment every time.
Figure 34. Measuring table-to-cutterhead with
Rotacator® in upward position.
Figure 35. Measuring table roller height with
Rotacator® in downward position.
Figure 36. Planer Pal® knife setting jig.