The following pages contain general machine data, parts diagrams/lists and warranty/return information for your Shop Fox® Model W1683 20" Planer.
If you need parts or help in assembling your machine, or if you need operational information, we encourage you to call our Service Department. Our trained service technicians will be glad to help you.
If you have comments dealing specifically with this manual, please write to us using the address in General Information part of this manual. The specifications, drawings and photographs illustrated in this manual represent the Model W1683 as supplied when the manual was prepared. However, due to Woodstock International, Inc.’s policy of continuous improvement, changes may be made at any time with no obligation on the part of Woodstock International, Inc. Whenever possible, though, we send manual updates to all owners of a particular tool or machine. Should you receive one, add the new information to this manual and keep it for reference.
We have included some important safety measures that are essential to the operation of this machine. While most safety measures are generally universal, we remind you that each workshop is different and safety rules should be considered as they apply to your specific situation.
We recommend you keep this manual for complete information regarding Woodstock International, Inc.’s warranty and return policy. If you need additional technical information relating to this machine, or if you need general assistance or replacement parts, please contact the Service Department at
Additional information sources are necessary to realize the full potential of this machine. Trade journals, woodworking magazines and your local library are good places to start.
As with all power tools, there is danger associated with the Model W1683. Use the tool with respect and caution to lessen the possibility of mechanical damage or operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, injury to the operator or others is likely.
The Model W1683 was specifically designed for cutting natural wood stock. DO NOT MODIFY
AND/OR USE THIS PLANER FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Modifications or improper use of this tool will void the warranty. If you are confused about any aspect of this machine, DO NOT use it until all your questions have been answered.