The Lincoln VRD circuit meets the requirements of
The Lincoln VRD circuit also meets recommendation of ANSI Z49.1- 2005, Safety in Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes, for use in electrically hazardous conditions ( in damp locations or while wearing wet clothing; on metal structures such as floors, gratings or scaffolds; when in cramped positions such as sit- ting, kneeling or lying, if there is a high risk of unavoidable or accidental contact with the workpiece or ground ).
The following procedures are for using the IDE- ALARC®
Before operating the machine, make sure you have all materials needed to complete the job. Be sure you are familiar with and have taken all possible safety precautions before starting work. It is important that you follow these operating steps each time you use the machine.
1.Connect the #21 work lead to either + or - on termi- nal strip (T.S.2).
2.Turn on the main AC power supply to the machine.
3.Set the Welding Mode switch to welding process being used:
4.Turn the POWER ON/OFF Toggle Switch to the “ON” position:
•The white pilot light glows and the fan starts.
5.Set OUTPUT CONTROL Potentiometer to desired voltage.
6.Set the OUTPUT TERMINALS switch to either “ON” ( output terminals energized) or “REMOTE” (output terminals energized when #2 and #4 closed by remote device such as wire feeder)
7.Make the weld.
1.Connect the #21 work lead to either + or - on termi- nal strip (T.S.2).
2.Turn on the main AC power supply to the machine.
3.Set the Welding Mode switch to welding process being used:
•CC STICK (for SMAW and AAC)
4.Turn the POWER ON/OFF Toggle Switch to the “ON” position:
•The white pilot light glows and the fan starts for 1 second.
•The machine continues the 5 second pretest indi- cated by both red and green VRD lights glowing. When the red light turns off, the pilot light turns on and the fan restarts, the machine is ready.
5.Set OUTPUT CONTROL Potentiometer to desired current.
6.Set the OUTPUT TERMINALS switch to either “ON” ( output terminals active) or “REMOTE” (out- put terminals active when #2 and #4 is closed by remote device such as wire feeder).
7.Make the weld.
The toggle switch on the control panel labeled “Remote - Panel” gives the operator the option of con- trolling the machine output from a remote location. If in the Remote position a wire feeder with remote con- trol capabilities or a remote control device such as a K775 must be connected to terminals 75, 76, and 77. Refer to Accessories Section for wire feeder remote information.
Select Welding Mode Switch position based on type of welding to be done.
1.Innershield Welding (FCAW)/MIG (GMAW) Welding: Use the CV INNERSHIELD mode.
2.Submerged Arc Welding (SAW): Use the CV SUbMERGED ARC mode. If performing high speed welding, switch between the CV Submerged Arc and the CV Innershield mode and use the mode that produces the best welding results.