OPTIONAL DURABLADE ECONOMIZER — The option- al economizer hood assembly is packaged and shipped in the filter section. Damper blades and control boards are installed at the factory and the economizer is shipped in the vertical dis- charge position.
NOTE: Horizontal discharge
1.Determine if ventilation air is required in building. If so, determine the minimum amount to be supplied by each unit and record quantity of ventilation air needed for use in Step 7.
2.Remove filter access panel by raising panel and swinging panel outward. Panel is now disengaged from track and can be removed. No tools are required to remove filter ac- cess panel. Remove
4.Slide economizer into unit and secure with screws. See Fig. 15.
NOTE: Be sure to engage rear economizer flange under tabs in vertical
5.To convert to horizontal discharge application:
a.Rotate economizer 90 degrees until the econo- mizer motor faces the condenser section (see Fig. 16).
b.Remove tape and shipping screw, rotate the baro- metric relief damper cover 90 degrees.
C— Contactor (Compressor) CCH — Crankcase Heater COMP — Compressor
FU — Fuse
HU — Humidistat
IFM — Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Motor LLSV — Liquid Line Solenoid Valve
Factory Wiring
Accessory or Optional Wiring
c.Install horizontal discharge
7.If ventilation air is not required, proceed to Step 8. If ven- tilation air is required, determine minimum position set- ting for required airflow. See Fig. 19. Adjust minimum position setting by adjusting the screws on the position setting bracket. Slide bracket until the top screw is in the position determined by Fig. 19. Tighten screws.
8.Remove tape from
Fig. 11 — Accessory Field-Installed Humidistat
Fig. 12 — Typical MoistureMiser Dehumidification Package Humidistat Wiring
(208/230-V Unit Shown)