Carrier 48HJD005-007 Condenser-Fan Adjustment, Cooling Charging Chart Standard 48HJ004

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Fig. 43 — Condenser-Fan Adjustment

Condenser-Fan Adjustment (Fig. 43) — Shut off unit power supply. Remove condenser-fan assembly (grille, motor, motor cover, and fan) and loosen fan hub setscrews. Adjust fan height as shown in Fig. 43. Tighten setscrews and replace condenser-fan assembly.


FAN HEIGHT — “A” (in.)

004-006 and 007 (208/230 V)


007 (460 and 575 V)


Fig. 43 — Condenser-Fan Adjustment

Economizer Adjustment — Refer to Optional Econo- mizer sections on pages 12 and 15.

Evaporator Fan Belt Inspection — Check condition of evaporator belt or tension during heating and cooling inspec- tions or as conditions require. Replace belt or adjust as necessary.

High-Pressure Switch — The high-pressure switch contains a Schrader core depressor, and is located on the com- pressor hot gas line. This switch opens at 428 psig and closes at 320 psig. No adjustments are necessary.

Loss-of-Charge Switch — The loss-of-charge switch contains a Schrader core depressor, and is located on the com- pressor liquid line. This switch opens at 7 psig and closes at 22 psig. No adjustments are necessary.

Freeze-StatThe freeze-stat is a bimetal temperature- sensing switch that is located on the “hair-pin” end of the evap- orator coil. The switch protects the evaporator coil from freeze- up due to lack of airflow. The switch opens at 30 F and closes at 45 F. No adjustments are necessary.

Refrigerant Charge — Amount of refrigerant charge is listed on unit nameplate (also refer to Table 1). Refer to Carrier GTAC2-5 Charging, Recovery, Recycling, and Reclamation training manual and the following procedures.

Unit panels must be in place when unit is operating during charging procedure. Unit must operate a minimum of 10 min- utes before checking or adjusting referigerant charge.

An accurate superheat, thermocouple- or thermistor-type thermometer, and a gage manifold are required when using the superheat charging method for evaluating the unit charge. Do not use mercury or small dial-type thermometers because they are not adequate for this type of measurement.

NO CHARGE — Use standard evacuating techniques. After evacuating system, weigh in the specified amount of refriger- ant. (Refer to Table 1.)

LOW CHARGE COOLING — Using Cooling Charging Charts, Fig. 44-47, vary refrigerant until the conditions of the charts are met. Note the charging charts are different from type normally used. Charts are based on charging the units to the correct superheat for the various operating conditions. Accu- rate pressure gage and temperature sensing device are required. Connect the pressure gage to the service port on the suction line. Mount the temperature sensing device on the suction line and insulate it so that outdoor ambient temperature does not af- fect the reading. Indoor-air cfm must be within the normal op- erating range of the unit.

MOISTUREMISER SYSTEM CHARGING — The system charge for units with the MoistureMiser option is greater than that of the standard unit alone. The charge for units with this option is indicated on the unit nameplate drawing. Also refer to Fig. 48-51. To charge systems using the MoistureMiser

Dehumidification package, fully evacuate, recover, and re- charge the system to the nameplate specified charge level.

To check or adjust refrigerant charge on systems using the MoistureMiser Dehumidification package, charge per Fig. 48-

51.The subcooler MUST be energized to use the charging charts. The charts reference a liquid pressure (psig) and temperature at a point between the condenser coil and the subcooler coil. A tap is provided on the unit to measure liquid pressure entering the subcooler.

IMPORTANT: The subcooler charging charts (Fig. 48-

51)are to be used ONLY with units having the optional MoistureMiser subcooling option. DO NOT use standard charge (Fig. 44-47) for units with MoistureMiser option, and DO NOT use Fig. 48-51 for standard units.

Fig. 44 — Cooling Charging Chart,

Standard 48HJ004

Fig. 45 — Cooling Charging Chart,

Standard 48HJ005


Image 34
Contents INSTALLATION CONTENTSSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Step 1 - Provide Unit SupportFig. 1 - Roof Curb Details 1′-4″Fig. 2 - Unit Leveling Tolerances Fig. 3 - Condensate Drain PanStep 7 - Make Electrical Connections Table 1 - Physical Data Table 1 - Physical Data cont 1/2″ Fig. 5 - Base Unit Dimensions - 48HJ004-0073/4″ Thru-the-Curb Service Connections Step 8 - Adjust Factory-Installed OptionsFig. 7 - Gas Piping Guide With Accessory Fig. 6 - Flue Hood DetailsFig. 10 - Field Control Wiring Raceway Fig. 8 - Power Wiring ConnectionsFig. 9 - Low-Voltage Connections With or Without Economizer age is greater than 2%. Use the following formula to determine Never operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply voltthe percent of voltage imbalance Table 2C - 48HJ High-Static Motor Units Without Electrical Convenience Outlet Fig. 11 - Accessory Field-Installed Humidistat 208/230-V Unit ShownFig. 16 - Horizontal Durablade Economizer Installation Fig. 13 - Typical Access Panel LocationsFig. 15 - Durablade Economizer Installed in Unit Fig. 14 - Outdoor-Air Hood DetailsFig. 19B - Durablade Economizer Minimum Position Damper Setting Wiring HarnessFig. 19A - Durablade Economizer Damper Minimum Position Setting Fig. 20 - Outdoor-Air Thermostat Enthalpy Control InstallationFig. 25 - Exhaust Air Hood Assembly Relief Damper CharacteristicsFig. 24 - Typical Access Panel Locations Fig. 22 - Durablade Economizer BarometricFig. 27 - Completed Hood Assembly Fig. 28 - Rear EconoMi$er Flange InstallationFig. 26 - Outdoor-Air Hood Assembly Fig. 29 - EconoMi$er InstalledFig. 32 - Wiring Diagram for Power Exhaust System Fig. 31 - EconoMi$er Sensor WiringFig. 33 - Typical Access Panel Locations POWER EXHAUST SYSTEM HIGH VOLTAGEFig. 35 - EconoMi$er Control Adjustment Fig. 34 - Supply-Air Sensor PlacementTable 4 - Default Potentiometer Settings Potentiometers Factory SettingsFig. 38 - Evaporator-Fan Pulley Adjustment Step 9 - Adjust Evaporator-Fan Speed - AdFig. 37 - Belt-Drive Motor Mounting Table 6 - Evaporator-Fan Motor Data - Standard Motor Table 5A - 48HJ Fan Rpm at Motor Pulley Setting With Standard MotorTable 7 - Evaporator-Fan Motor Data - High-Static Motors Table 9 - Outdoor Sound Power Total Unit Table 8 - Motor Nominal HorsepowerBels Table 12 - 48HJ005 Fan Performance - Vertical Discharge Units With Standard Motor Single-Phase Units 3-Phase UnitsTable 16 - 48HJ007 Fan Performance - Vertical Discharge Units With Standard Motor Table 18 - 48HJ004 Fan Performance - Horizontal Discharge Units With Standard Motor Table 20 - 48HJ005 Fan Performance - Horizontal Discharge Units With Standard Motor 3-Phase Units Table 27 - FIOP MoistureMiser Dehumidification FIOP - Factory-Installed OptionTable 26 - Economizer Static Pressure Drop in. wg Package Static Pressure Drop in. wgPRE-START-UP START-UPOperating Sequence HeatingTable 28 - Altitude Compensation When the supply-air temperature falls between 57 F and Fig. 39 - MoistureMiser Option Operation Fig. 40 - Cleaning Condenser Coil Fig. 41 - Propping Up Top Panel SERVICELubrication Fig. 42 - Separating Coil SectionsFig. 44 - Cooling Charging Chart Standard 48HJ004 Fig. 43 - Condenser-Fan AdjustmentFig. 45 - Cooling Charging Chart Standard 48HJ005 Fig. 46 - Cooling Charging Chart Standard 48HJ006 Fig. 47 - Cooling Charging Chart Standard 48HJ007Fig. 48 - Cooling Charging Chart, 48HJ004 with Optional MoistureMiser Dehumidification Package Table 29 - LED Error Code Description Fig. 52 - Burner Section Details Fig. 53 - Burner Tray DetailsMEDIUM AND HIGH HEAT 48HJE005-007, 48HJF004 - 115,000 BTUH INPUT Fig. 54 - Spark Gap AdjustmentLOW HEAT 48HJE004, 48HJD005-007 - 72,000 BTUH INPUT 48HJF005-007 - 150,000 BTUH INPUTTROUBLESHOOTING Table 30 - LED Error Code Service AnalysisTable 31 - Heating Service Analysis Table 32 - Durablade Economizer Service AnalysisTable 33 - EconoMi$er Flash Code Identification Table 34 - EconoMi$er TroubleshootingCritical Table 35 - MoistureMiser Dehumidification Subcooler Service Analysis Table 36 - Cooling Service Analysis Compressor operates continuouslyFig. 55 - Typical Wiring Schematic and Component Arrangement 208/230 3-Phase Unit ShownLEGEND AND NOTES FOR FIG NOTES FOR FIGReplaces 48HJ-17SI Page II. PRE-START-UP insert checkmark in box as each item is completed START-UP CHECKLIST Remove and Store in Job FileI. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION III. START-UP