Planer Unit
1.Using the lifting handles shown in Figure 4, place the planer on the stand and align the four holes in the base over the four mounting holes in the stand.
2.Secure the planer base to the stand with the four hex bolts, nuts, washer and fender wash- ers provided.
This planer is relatively heavy and awkward to handle. We strongly recommend that you get assistance. It will require at least two people to lift the planer onto the stand. Lifting without ample assistance could result in serious injury and/or damage to your machine. The planer unit may also be unstable until it is permanently mounted to the stand. Use care so the planer unit does not slide or tip. If placing the planer on a
Lifting Handles
Figure 4. Location of lifting handles.
G1021 15" Planer
Starter Switch
The thermally protected, magnetic switch pro- tects the motor from overload and the operator in case power is interrupted. If power is interrupted, the planer will not turn on when power resumes without first pressing the ON button.
The switch must be secured to the planer unit. The cap screws used for this purpose are already partially screwed in.
1.Unscrew the cap screws from the planer body for mounting the switch. See Figure 5.
2.Support the switch and screw the cap screws back in.
To connect the switch power leads to the motor:
1.Remove the motor junction box cover and slip the power cord through the cable clamp. Secure the cable clamp with a screwdriver.
2.Attach the two power leads to the motor ter- minals according to the wiring diagram sup- plied with this manual.
3.Attach the grounding terminal (green wire) to the motor frame via the ground screw located inside the junction box.
Cap Screws