8-3. Servicing Air Cleaner (Robin EH64-Powered Units)
YStop engine.
YDo not run engine without air cleaner or with dirty element.
1 Wrapper (Foam Element)
Wash wrapper with soap and water solution. Allow wrapper to air dry completely.
2 Element
Replace element if dirty, oily, or damaged.
aircleaner5 1/97 − 803 070 / Ref. 200 017 /
8-4. Servicing Optional Spark Arrestor (Robin EH64-Powered Units)
Y Stop engine and let cool.
1 Spark Arrestor Screen
Clean and inspect screen. Replace spark arrestor if screen wires are broken or missing.
Tools Needed:
1/4 in
Ref. 803 098 / Ref. 183 175−A