HPMA User Guide
Table 41: FSG X Replication Component Attributes (cont.)
Attribute | Type / Units | Description | C | T | Alarm |
Connected | Count | Number of currently connected |
| N/A |
Secondaries |
| secondary FSG services within |
| this group. |
Secondary |
Active | Number | Unique identifier of the current |
| N/A |
Session ID |
| replication session from which |
| messages are being processed. |
Next | Number | Sequence number for the next |
| N/A |
Operation |
| transaction to be processed from |
Identifier |
| this replication session. |
Dequeued | Count | Accumulated count of replication |
| N/A |
Messages |
| messages processed since the last |
| service restart. |
Pending | Count | Approximate count of replication |
| SPOP |
Operations |
| messages to be processed in the |
| current session. This is the sum of |
| unprocessed messages at this FSG |
| and an approximate number of |
| messages in the queue at the |
| primary. |
This component provides information about backups of the managed file system. The FSG is configured at installation to make regular backup copies of the file system (folder and file information) and ingest them into the grid. Should the shared file system become cor- rupted, a backup can be used to restore the system. Restoration from a backup requires technical expertise; it is a technical support mainte- nance activity.
Table 42: FSG X Backup Component Attributes
Attribute | Type / Units | Description | C | T | Alarm |
Successful | Count | Number of successful backups |
| N/A |
Backups |
| since last restart. |
HP Medical Archive