Chapter 4
Problems setting up Bluetooth wireless communication
If you have problems printing using a Bluetooth wireless connection, try the following suggestions. For more information on configuring wireless settings, see Set up the printer for Bluetooth communication.
▲Check the Bluetooth wireless settings. For more information, see Set up the printer for Bluetooth communication.
Mac OS X
▲Delete and
Check the Bluetooth settings
•Check the Bluetooth settings. For more information, see Set up the printer for Bluetooth communication.
•To configure Bluetooth settings or monitor printer status (such as ink levels) using the Toolbox (Windows), you must connect the printer to the computer with a USB cable.
Check the Bluetooth wireless signal
Wireless communication can be interrupted or unavailable if there is signal interference, distance or signal strength problems, or if the printer is not ready .
•Make sure the printer is within range of the Bluetooth sending device. Bluetooth printing allows wireless printing up to 10 meters (30 feet).
•If a document doesn't print, there could be signal interruption. If a message appears on the computer explaining that there is a signal problem, cancel the print job and then resend it from the computer.
Understand the printer information pages
The printer information pages contain detailed printer information, including firmware version number, serial number, service ID, print cartridge information, default page settings, and printer media settings.
The Bluetooth configuration page contains Bluetooth connectivity information.
NOTE: The printer must not be processing any print jobs while you print the configuration and diagnostic pages.
If you need to call HP, it is useful to print diagnostic and configuration pages before calling.
60 Solve a problem