6.If necessary, enter the DCU (Device Configuration Utility) to view/change the UnixWare device driver configuration data.
7.Follow the
NOTE If your installation fails, do not attempt to use the update installation pkgadd procedure to fix the installation. Follow the instructions in the UnixWare documentation and in this User’s Guide to retry the installation.
Installing the Driver When UnixWare is Already Installed
To update or install the adst21 driver or adst70 driver on a system where UnixWare is already installed, follow the instructions in this section. The procedures are similar for UnixWare 2.1x and 7.1. Procedures that are specific to a UnixWare version are noted when necessary.
CAUTION Improper or corrupt driver updates might destroy your existing UnixWare file system. Back up all important files before proceeding. Consult your UnixWare documentation for proper backup procedures.
Installing or updating the driver involves the following tasks, which must be completed in the following order:
1.Back Up the
2.Load the
3.Modify the New System