18 Frequently Asked Questions
I am having trouble turning on my HP iPAQ. What should I do?
Your HP iPAQ appears to have problems with the battery. Please perform the following checks:
●Is the battery charged?
●Is the battery properly installed?
●Are the contacts on the battery and phone clean? If the contacts appear to be soiled, contact your dealer to get them cleaned.
I am unable to make or receive calls. How do I fix this?
If you have problems making or receiving calls, please perform the following checks:
●Is the reception of the network signal good?
●Is the network setup properly? If necessary, try to select your network manually.
●Have you activated the Fixed Dialing, Call Forwarding, and Call Barring functions? If yes, deactivate them temporarily.
●Are you using your HP iPAQ with other SIM cards with the Enable SIM PIN function activated? If yes, deactivate the function temporarily.
●Is your HP iPAQ switched to the Flight mode? If yes, turn it off.
●Are you currently located within closed boundaries? If yes, move to an open space or closer to a window.
I have trouble connecting to the Internet. What should I do?
If you have trouble connecting to the Internet, please perform the following checks:
●Make sure you have subscribed for a data service from your service operator.
●Make sure you entered correct setting parameters, such as APN and IP addresses in data profile setup.
I am unable to hear voices clearly. How do I resolve this?
You may be unable to hear to voices clearly if you turn on the
I cannot use certain call functions. What should I do?
To use certain advanced call functions, such as Call Forwarding and Call Barring, you may need to subscribe to these services from your service operator.
I am having trouble turning on my HP iPAQ. What should I do? 79