hp officejet d series
director review, 10
enhancements, 29 enlarge a copy, 9, 28, 30 enter text from keypad, 53 envelopes, load, 19 error reports, fax, 49 exclamation light (needs
attention), 8
factory defaults
change for copying, 29 restore, 70
fast copy quality, 28 fax
adjust volume, 50 auto redial, 50
cancel scheduled fax, 48 confirmation reports, 49 create group
settings, 51
create individual
delay send, 47 enter text, 53 error reports, 49 header, 53 print reports, 49 receive, 48 receive manually, 49 redial numbers
automatically, 9, 50 reports, 45, 49
reprint fax in memory, 54 resolution, 8
schedule send, 47 send, 45, 46 send fax to multiple
recipients, 47 send in color, 47 send using speed dial
settings, 46
set the header, 53 speed dialing, 51 transaction reports, 49
fax functions menu, 55 fit to page, 30
front panel enter text, 53 features, 4 overview, 8 print photos, 39 scan from, 23 tutorial, 3
glass cleaning, 57 greeting cards, load, 20 group
creating, 51
header, fax, 53 help, 1
hp director,
menu functions, 13 simple sharing, 76 software, 10
hp papers, tips on loading, 20 hp
accessory, 33
image, shift, 32
ink cartridges check ink level, 59 clean, 66
refill, 69 replace, 63
ink level check, 59 low, 63 override gauge, 69
inkjet paper, load, 20 intensity of color copy, 28 introduction to the Director, 10
keypad, 9 enter text, 53
labels, load, 21
lamp power save mode, 71 language setup, 70
copy from, 28
tips on loading, 20 lid backing, clean, 57 light power save mode, 71 lighten or darken copies, 9, 28 load
change the paper type, 22 envelopes, 19
ink cartridges, 63 multiple originals, 6 original in the ADF, 6, 16 original on the glass, 15 paper, 17
photo paper, 21 postcards, 20 printheads, 61
set the paper size, 22 tips, 20
lower paper tray, see
main paper tray, load, 17 maintenance
align printheads, 65 check ink level, 7 clean the exterior, 58 clean the glass, 57 clean the lid backing, 57 clean the printheads, 66 power save mode time, 71 printhead replacement
verification, 60 replace ink cartridges, 63 replace printheads, 61 restore factory defaults, 70
margins, increase, 32 memory card see photo card
80 | index |