Lennox International Inc CBX32MV06, XP2101, XC2105, XC1702, XP1906 Alert Codes and Troubleshooting

Page 45

Table 5. Alert Codes and Troubleshooting

Critical alerts are displayed on Home (user) screen, in the Homeowner alert button, and in the Installer

alert button. Minor and Moderate alerts are found only in the Installer alert button.










Alert Text

Steps to clear







(Stat) The thermostat has found an unknown

An unknown device is seen on the subnet in or outside of configuration mode. Clear by reconfiguring



device on the system.

the system. Press the setup tab, press start, and press confirm. If problem persists, then check all




DEVICE connections to make sure they are icomfort−compatible.







(Stat) The thermostat cannot find a previously

Check all connections and cycle system power. If problem persists, clear by reconfiguring the sys-



installed unit.

tem. Press the setup tab, press start, and press confirm. If problem persists, then check all DEVICE




connections to make sure they are icomfort−compatible.







(Stat) The thermostat cannot find an icomfort−

Thermostat did not find an Indoor Unit. Make sure there is an icomfort indoor unit on the system.



enabled indoor unit.

Check R, i+, i− and C connections, ohm wires and cycle power. Replace indoor unit control board if




there is no response.







(Stat) The thermostat found more than one ther-

Check wiring and remove duplicate equipment. Reconfigure system.



mostat, more than one indoor unit, or more than




one outdoor unit on the system.








(Stat) The outside temperature is below the lev-

Notification only − Outdoor Temp is below the Low Balance Point. Heat Pump will not be used to



el where the heat pump is programmed to heat

service a heating demand.



the home. The system will not use the heat




pump to warm your home.








(Stat) The outside temperature is higher than

Notification only − Outdoor Temp is above the High Balance Point. Indoor Unit (furnace or air−handler)



the level where the furnace or electric heat is

will not be used to service a heating demand.



programmed to work. The system will only use




the heat pump to warm your home.








(Stat) The thermostat is reading an indoor tem-

Indoor temperature rose above 99ºF during a heating or cooling demand. Heating operation is not



perature that is higher than 99ºF. The thermo-

allowed. Check to ensure that Heating Equipment is not stuck ON (reversing valve, etc.). Check the



stat will not allow any heating operation to begin

accuracy of the thermostat temperature sensor. Select cooling system mode to cool the indoor



until it senses a temperature lower than 99ºF.








(Stat) The thermostat is reading an indoor tem-

Indoor Temp fell below 40ºF. Cooling operation is not allowed. Check to ensure that cooling equip-



perature that is lower than 40ºF. The thermostat

ment is not stuck ON. Check accuracy of the thermostat temperature sensor. Select heating system



will not allow any cooling operation to begin un-

mode to heat the indoor space to above 40ºF.



til it senses a temperature higher than 40ºF.








(Stat) The thermostat has lost communication

[Indicated unit] has not communicated with thermostat for more than 3 minutes. Check connections.



with the (furnace, air−handler or outdoor unit) for

Ohm wires. If fault persists, then cycle power. Fault clears after communication is restored.



more than 3 minutes.








(Stat) The (furnace, air−handler or outdoor unit)

[Indicated unit] is resetting itself. This event may occur during a power outage or power fluctuation in



is resetting itself.

the system. If persistent or if it coincides with the system operation then proceed with the following




steps. Check the power connections, check the amp draw at the transformer (the transformer maybe




overloaded) and check 24VAC voltage at the DEVICE. The alarm is only cleared by pressing the




clear button on the Installer Alerts Tab. If the fault persists after checking the connections, replace




the unit’s control board.








table continued on next page

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icomfort Wi-Fit 7−Day Programmable Communicating Thermostat

Image 45 Lennox International Inc CBX32MV06, XP2101, XC2105, XC1702, XP1906, XP1702, SLP9801, G71MPP03 Alert Codes and Troubleshooting
Contents icomfortt−Enabled Units INSTALLER’S SYSTEM SETUP GUIDE2P0912**P506920-01 CONTROLSSetting up typical icomfortt systems Table of ContentsPage Supports Outdoor Temperature Sensor optionFigure 1. icomfort by Lennoxt system Installation and Setup Figure 3. Settings change tools Change settingsDealer Number Figure 4. EnteringTable 1. System setting defaults and range Circulate fan ON time setting09 39 am Set time and dateFigure 5. View/edit time and date Figure 6. Set current time and dateFigure 7. Using the HUMIDITY CONTROL TIPS Add or Remove Non−communicating equipmentFigure 8. Add non−communicating device Add Non−Communicating Outdoor unitred settings SystemFigure 9. Add or remove non−communicating device 5a 5bSystem HumidifierSystem Figure 10. Add or remove non−communicating deviceDehumidifier DehumidifierFigure 11. Adjust communicating device screens Adjust a setting screen communicating devicesFigure 12. Accessing device to modify Figure 13. Modify device settingsG71MPP or SLP98 Furnace Note Figure 14. Adjust a non−communicating device setting Figure 15. Adjust a non−communicating device setting Figure 16. Adjust dehumidification when not using Humiditrol or an auxiliary dehumidifier Humidification and Dehumidification Modes HUMIDIFICATION modesDEHUMIDIFICATION modes Figure 17. Start testing screen Use the Tests / Diagnostics featuresFigure 18. Select tests to run screen Figure 19. Typical tests results screensSet up Equipment parameters Equipment, Alerts, DiagnosticsFigure 20. Testing finished screen Figure 21. Equipment parameters screenFigure 22. Edit equipment details Run DiagnosticsView and clear Installer Alerts Figure 23. Select device and run diagnosticsView cleared alerts Figure 25. Cleared alert confirmationFigure 24. Selecting and viewing alerts Figure 26. Cleared alerts screenSecure Connection Recommended Figure 27. Wi−Fi setupSTART HERERegistering the icomfort Wi-Fitthermostat Registration for online accessFigure 28. Change Networks Figure 30. icomfort Wi-FitRegistration screen How Do I Upload a Skin? Welcome homeFigure 31. PC Welcome Screen Wi-FitTheryes no Access installer program from Home screenFigure 34. Re−configuration process Reconfigure a system2nd Stage Differential where applicable2 Rules for SSR Smooth Setback Recovery SSRHeat Pump Balance Points Heat Pump, Dual Fuel and Balance PointsLow Balance Point High Balance PointShut down HP Gas Heat Control Mode Figure 36. Variable Capacity Operation Flow ChartTable 2. Variable Capacity Furnace Operation Staged operationLoad−tracking Variable Capacity FAQs SLP98V only Installer entry Table 3. Adjustable Parameters Table InstallerLock in 2nd stage HP by Outdoor Temp Table 3. Adjustable Parameters Table InstallerAIR HANDLER Table 3. Adjustable Parameters Table InstallerGas Heat Airflow Settings Table 3. Adjustable Parameters Table InstallerFURNACE Cooling Airflow Settings Heat Pump Airflow SettingsTable 3. Adjustable Parameters Table Installer Table 3. Adjustable Parameters Table Installer Other ParametersTable 4. Adjustable Parameters Table User Filter 1 Timer Table 5. Alert Codes and Troubleshooting Alert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingAlert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingAlert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingAlert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingAlert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingAlert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingAlert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingAlert Table 5. Alert Codes and TroubleshootingTable 5. Alert Codes and Troubleshooting Homeowner Service Alert Codes8Issue / Problem Table 6. Troubleshooting TipsPossible Cause Corrective Action / CommentsHigh Balance Point and Low Bal Table 6. Troubleshooting TipsDetermine the actual Software ver Table 6. Troubleshooting TipsDuring the cooling mode the dis Table 6. Troubleshooting Tipsicomfortt Communicating System Wiring Wiring Diagramsicomfort by Lennoxt AIR HANDLER AHC Wiring Diagramsfor use with any icomfort by Lennoxt system Optional Accessories WiringOptional Accessories Wiring for use with any icomfort by Lennoxt systemLVCS Ventilation Control System attached to the PUSHBUTTON TIPS Setting up typical systemsTIPS Setting up typical systemsT PUMP DUAL FUEL TIPSTIPS TIPS Setting up typical systemsTIPS TIPS Setting up typical systemsT PUMP UNITSTIPS REVISION HISTORY Table 7. Replacement Controlsicomfortt−Enabled Unit Replacement Kit Catalog No