Table 5. Alert Codes and Troubleshooting | Critical alerts are displayed on Home (user) screen, in the Homeowner alert button, and in the Installer | |||
alert button. Minor and Moderate alerts are found only in the Installer alert button. | ||||
| ||
Alert |
| |
Code | Priority | Alert Text | Steps to clear | |
| |
345 | Critical | (Air Handler) The | O relay / Stage 1 failed. Pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay coil did not energize. Replace | |
| has failed. Either the pilot relay contacts did not | control. Cleared after the fault recovered following reset. | |
| close or the relay coil did not energize. |
| |
| |
346 | Critical | (Air Handler) The heat pump jumper was not | Configuration link(s) not removed on control. Cut O−R. Applicable with non communicating outdoor | |
| removed on the air−handler control board. | unit with communicating indoor system. | |
| |
347 | Critical | (Furnace / Air Handler) The | Operation stopped. Y1 relay / Stage 1 failed. (Pilot relay contacts did not close or | |
| (furnace or air−handler) has failed. Either the | the relay coil did not energize; no input back to IFC chip). Critical Alert. Cleared after reset and Y1 | |
| pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay | input sensed. | |
| coil did not energize. |
| |
| |
348 | Critical | (Furnace / Air Handler) The | Y2 relay / Stage 2 failed. (Pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay coil did not energize; no input | |
| (furnace or air−handler) has failed. Either the | back to IFC chip). Critical Alert. Cleared after reset and Y1 input sensed. | |
| pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay |
| |
| coil did not energize. |
| |
| |
349 | Critical | (Furnace) The | Configuration link R to O needs to be restored. Replace link or hard−wire. Applicable in non commu- | |
| needs to be restored. | nicating mode. Critical Alert. | |
| |
350 | Critical | (Air Handler) The air−handler’s electric heat is | Heat call with no configured or mis−configured electric heat. Check for proper configuring under | |
| not configured. | Configuring Electric Heat Stages in the air handler installation instructions. Cleared after electrical | |
| heat detection is successful. | |
| |
351 | Critical | (Air Handler) There is a problem with the air− | Heat section / Stage 1 failed. (Pilot relay contacts did not close, or the relay coil in the electric heat | |
| handler’s 1st stage electric heat. Either the pilot | section did not energize.) Air handler will operate on 1st stage for reminder of the heat call. Will clear | |
| relay contacts did not close, or the relay coil in | after fault recovered. | |
| the electric heat section did not energize. |
| |
| |
352 | Critical | (Air Handler) There is a problem with the air− | Heat section / Stage 2 failed (Same as Code 351). | |
| handler’s 2nd stage electric heat. Either the pi- |
| |
| lot relay contacts did not close, or the relay coil |
| |
| in the electric heat section did not energize. The |
| |
| air−handler will operate on 1st stage electric |
| |
| heat until the issue is resolved. |
| |
| |
353 | Critical | (Air Handler) There is a problem with the air− | Heat section / Stage 3 failed (Same as Code 351). | |
| handler’s 3rd stage electric heat. Either the pilot |
| |
| relay contacts did not close, or the relay coil in |
| |
| the electric heat section did not energize. The |
| |
| air−handler will operate on 1st stage electric |
| |
| heat until the issue is resolved. |
| |
| |
| table continued on next page |
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