Table 6. Troubleshooting Tips | Bold text indicates a button, or text display on the thermostat. | ||
No. | Issue / Problem | Possible Cause | Corrective Action / Comments |
12 | Determine the actual Software ver- | icomfort software is stored in the | From the home screen click the right arrow |
| sion of the thermostat or one of the | control and can be retrieved. | then click service info button; then click the thermostat info button; |
| icomfort unit controls. |
| (display shows model & serial numbers and hardware, software, Wi−Fi |
| revision information). |
13 | The icomfort thermostat shows an er- | The outdoor sensor and dis- | − Disconnect the outdoor sensor or discharge sensor. |
| ror code related to the outdoor sensor | charge sensor are options, how- | − Using the installer program, reset the system by selecting setup |
| and or the DAS even after removing | ever if the system was setup with | button and follow the screen prompts as the thermostat goes through |
| these optional accessories. | the sensor in place, the icomfort | a new system discovery. |
| system will see an open sensor |
| reading if it is disconnected. |
14 | The icomfort thermostat will not pro- | The icomfort system does not | Replace the icomfort thermostat with a conventional thermostat that |
| vide me a choice to add a non−com- | have the ability to control a non− | has a dual fuel control mode (e.g. Lennox ComfortSenset 7000). |
| municating heat pump to a gas fur- | communicating heat pump on a |
| nace. | dual fuel system. |
15 | During system discovery, the ther- | The thermostat was not success- | − Verify the indoor unit has a icomfort communicating control. |
| mostat displays a message Thermo- | ful in communicating to the indoor | − Check wiring connections at R, i+, i− and C at the indoor unit and |
| stat is unable to communicate to | unit. | thermostats. |
| system components. |
| − Check R, i+. I− , C wires for open/shorts. |
16 | Temperature or humidity calibration | Temperature/Humidity calibration | Allow the system to stabilize and complete the calibration mode due to |
| does not respond to calibration | changes will change display 1ºF | the time delay. A 5ºF calibration change will take 15 minutes to calibrate |
| changes. | or 1% RH every 3 minutes. | the display. |
17 | The installer adjustable settings used | The adjustable system configura- | − In the installer program select the equipment button and choose |
| to configure the system are not listed | tion settings are listed in the | System from system device and press edit. |
| in the equipment button under the | equipment button under Sys- | − Over 25 installer adjustable settings are provided including balance |
| Thermostat 49W95 (only Temp | tem. | point, humidification control, dehumidification modes, stage differen- |
| Reading Calibration and Humidity |
| tials and delays. |
| Reading Calibration are listed as |
| menu items). |
| table continued on next page |
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