Humidification and Dehumidification Modes
and 45%. These conditions must be met for either mode to operate:
Shumidification mode has been enabled, and
Sthe unit is in HEAT mode, and
Shumidification demand exists (24V present at H), and
SBASIC mode also requires presence of heating demand [Y for HP heat, or W for gas heat (W may be energized with G de−energized)].
DEW POINT(Available only if Wi−Fi is operational or outdoor sensor is at- tached)
Basic Dew Point Control
change the humidification setpoint based on the outdoor temperature and a user−defined dew point adjustment setting.
Precision Dew Point Control
mode will operate when these conditions are met:
Shumidification mode has been enabled, and
Sthe unit is in HEAT mode, and
Shumidification demand exists (24V present at H).
NOTE − Basic and Precision dehumidification modes are functions of the HVAC system with NO external dehumidification devices installed. Humidi- trol and Auxiliary Dehumidifiers do not use these modes.
In BASIC mode, dehumidification occurs if these conditions are met and sig- nals are present at specific terminals:
Sdehumidification has been enabled on installer settings, and
Sthe unit is in COOL mode, and
Sdehumidification demand exists (RH above setpoint), and
Scooling demand exists (Y1 energized).
In PRECISION mode, dehumidification occurs if all BASIC conditions are true, except cooling demand may or may not be present. Also note that:
SMaximum overcool from cooling setpoint is 2ºF.
SDeadband temperature is limited to a minimum of 5ºF (instead of 3ºF in BASIC or DISPLAY ONLY mode) because of 2ºF overcooling.
Humiditrol® or Auxiliary Dehumidifier mode requires:
NOTE − Systems using icomfort tand a dehumidifier −
furnace/air handler control does not need to be cut when using with a icom- fort
SWi−Fi is operational or outdoor sensor is installed and set up
Sdehumidification has been enabled on installer settings, and
Sthe unit is in COOL mode, (or if in AUTO, at least one thermostat cool- ing call made prior to the dehumidification demand), and
Sa dehumidification demand exists (RH above setpoint), and
Soutdoor temp. below 95°F; indoor temp. above 65°F, and
Sfor HUMIDITROL, adjust Humiditrol® comfort parameters as follows:
MAX adj. − Indoor temp > 2°F above heating setpoint
MID adj. − Indoor temp >
MIN adj. − Indoor temp > 2°F below cooling setpoint Auxiliary Dehumidifier (stand alone dehumidifier)
When this option is selected, dehumidification will be allowed under the fol- lowing conditions, provided there is NO call for humidification:
SIn the absence of heating or cooling calls, or
SSimultaneous with blower only calls.
If the blower is required to operate while the auxiliary dehumidifier is running, a separate wire must be installed from the auxiliary dehumidifier to the indoor unit’s G thermostat input that will energize G when the auxiliary dehumidifier is running (see wiring diagram on Page 61).
Auxiliary dehumidification is controlled by the thermostat dehumidification demand.
NOTE − Refer to HCWH Dehumidifier Installation Instructions for installation recommendations.
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