Plantronics 220 SERIES FI Lataaminen, GB Charging, DE Aufladen DES Headsets, DK Opladning

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Before using, you must first charge your headset.

Kevytkuuloke on ladattava ennen käyttöönottoa. 20 minuuttia = minimilatausaika

2 tuntia = täysi lataus

Merkkivalo palaa punaisena, kun akku latautuu.

HUOMAUTUS jotta kuuloke toimisi aina parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla, pidä se aina täyteen ladattuna.

HUOMAUTUS älä käytä kevytkuuloketta lataamisen aikana äläkä kytke laturia käytössä olevaan kuulok- keeseen.


Before using, you must first charge your headset. 20 minutes = minimum charge

2 hours = full charge

Light is solid red when battery is charging.

NOTE For the best user experience, keep your headset fully charged.

CAUTION Do not use headset while charging and do not connect the charger while the headset is in use.


Laden Sie das Headset vor der Verwendung auf. 20 Minuten = Mindestaufladung

2 Stunden = Vollständige Aufladung

Die Anzeige leuchtet während des Ladevorgangs rot.

HINWEIS: Für eine optimale Leistung sollte das Headset immer vollständig aufgeladen sein.

ACHTUNG: Verwenden Sie das Headset nicht während des Ladevorgangs und schließen Sie das Ladegerät nicht während der Headset-Verwendung an.


Headsettet skal oplades inden brug. 20 minutter = minimumsopladning 2 timer = fuld opladning

Lyser rødt, når batteriet oplades.

BEMÆRK Du opnår den bedste brugeroplevelse ved at holde headsettet fuldt opladet.

ADVARSEL Anvend ikke headsettet, mens det oplades, og tilslut ikke opladeren, mens headsettet er i brug.


Recargue el auricular antes de utilizarlo.

El tiempo de carga mínimo es de 20 minutos. El tiempo de carga total es de dos horas

Mientras se carga la batería, se enciende una luz roja sin parpadeo.

NOTA: para conseguir un rendimiento óptimo, el auricular debe estar totalmente cargado.

PRECAUCIÓN: no utilice el auricular mientras se carga ni conecte el cargador mientras utiliza el auricular.


Vous devez charger l’oreillette avant de l’utiliser. 20 minutes = chargement minimum

2 heures = chargement complet

Le témoin lumineux est rouge lorsque la batterie est en charge.

REMARQUE : pour une expérience d’utilisation parfaite, gardez votre oreillette chargée.

ATTENTION : n’utilisez pas votre oreillette lorsque celle-ci est en charge et ne connectez pas le chargeur lorsque l’oreillette est en marche.


Caricare l’auricolare prima dell’uso. 20 minuti = carica minima

2 ore = carica completa

La luce rossa si illumina quando la batteria è in carica.

NOTE Per un funzionamento ottimale, mantenere la cuffia sempre carica.

ATTENZIONE non utilizzare l’auricolare durante la ricarica e non collegare il caricabatterie quando l’auricolare è in uso.


Voordat u de headset de eerste keer gebruikt, moet deze eerst worden opgeladen.

20 minuten = de minimale oplaadtijd 2 uur = volledige oplaadtijd

Lampje brandt rood als batterij wordt opgeladen.

OPMERKING Voor het meeste gebruiksgemak kunt u uw headset het beste helemaal opgeladen houden.

LET OP Gebruik de headset niet als deze wordt opge- laden en sluit de oplader niet op de headset aan als deze wordt gebruikt.


Før du bruker hodesettet må du lade det opp først. 20 minutter = minste lading

To timer = full lading

Lyset er konstant rødt når batteriet lades.

MERK Hodesettet bør være fulladet for å oppnå den beste brukeropplevelsen.

FORSIKTIG Ikke bruk hodesettet under lading, og ikke koble til laderen mens hodesettet er i bruk.


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Contents Plantronics Explorer 220 Series DK Indholdsfortegnelse Table of ContentsInhaltsverzeichnis ÍndiceGB Welcome PT ÍndiceSV Innehåll DE WillkommenNo Velkommen PT BEM-VINDOSV Välkommen DK Pakkens Indhold & Funktioner GB Package Contents & FeaturesDE Packungsinhalt UND Produktmerkmale ES Contenido DEL Paquete Y CaracterísticasGB Charging DE Aufladen DES HeadsetsFI Lataaminen DK OpladningPT Carregamento GB PoweringDE EIN-/AUSSCHALTEN DES Headsets DK Sådan Tændes HeadsettetGB Pairing DK ParringDE Paaren FI Pariliitoksen Muodostaminen ES EmparejamientoInstrucciones DE LA Característica Quickpair FR CouplageIT Associazione NL Afstemmen Istruzioni PER LA Funzione QuickpairQUICKPAIR-FUNCTIE Instructies No Sammenkobling PT EmparelhamentoSV Para Ihop 220 IT Associazione NL Afstemmen DK Ændring AF Pasform GB Adjusting FITDE Anpassen DES Headsets ES AjusteNo Justere Tilpasningen IT RegolazioneNL Pasvorm Afstellen PT AjustesFI Kevytkuulokkeen Käyttäminen GB Using Your HeadsetDE Verwenden DES Headsets FR Utilisation DE Votre OreillettePT Utilizar O Auricular SV Använda HeadsetetAjustar O Volume HET Volume InstellenJustere Volumet Additional FeaturesFonctions Supplementaires Características AdicionalesLisätoiminnot Caratteristiche AggiuntiveFuncionalidades Adicionais Overige FunctiesTilleggsfunksjoner Ytterligare FunktionerDE Leuchtanzeigen GB Indicator LightsHeadset Status Headset Indicator Light HEADSET-STATUS HEADSET-LEUCHTANZEIGEES Luces Indicadoras Headsetstatus HeadsetindikatorDK Indikatorer Estado DEL Auricular LUZ Indicadora DEL AuricularKevytkuulokkeen Tila Kuulokkeen Merkkivalo FI MerkkivalotFR Temoins Lumineux Statut DE L’OREILLETTE Témoin Lumineux DE L’OREILLETTEHeadsetstatus Indicatielampje VAN DE Headset IT Indicatori LuminosiStato DELL’AURICOLARE Indicatore Luminoso DELL’AURICOLARE NL IndicatielampjesNo Indikatorlamper PT Luzes IndicadorasSV Indikatorlampor IT Accessori GB AccessoriesFR Accessoires NL AccessoiresProblem GB TroubleshootingProblem Solution DE FehlerbehebungDK Fejlfinding ES Resolución DE ProblemasProblema LøsningFR Depannage ProblemeFI Vianmääritys OngelmaSoluzione IT Risoluzione DEI ProblemiNL Problemen Oplossen Probleem OplossingNo Problemløsing PT Resolução DE ProblemasSolução SV Felsökning LösningGB Product Specifications DE ProduktspezifikationenDK Produktspecifikationer ES Especificaciones DEL ProductoFR Specifications DU Produit TuotetiedotIT Specifiche DEL Prodotto NL ProductspecificatiesNo Produktspesifikasjoner PT Especificações do ProdutoSV Produktspecifikationer Page DK Denmark GB Great BritainDE Germany ES Spain

220 SERIES specifications

The Plantronics 220 Series is a prominent line of headsets designed to enhance the audio experience for professionals and casual users alike. Known for its reliability and high-quality sound, this series stands out in the competitive headset market.

One of the main features of the Plantronics 220 Series is its exceptional audio quality. Equipped with advanced noise-cancellation technology, these headsets effectively minimize background sounds, ensuring that users can focus on their calls or music without distractions. The clarity of voice transmission is particularly impressive, making them suitable for business environments where clear communication is crucial.

The ergonomic design of the 220 Series headsets emphasizes comfort, allowing for long hours of use without discomfort. They come with adjustable components and cushioned ear pads that fit snugly but gently on the ears, ensuring a perfect fit. The lightweight nature of the headset further contributes to user comfort, making it ideal for users who may need to wear a headset for extended periods.

In terms of connectivity, the Plantronics 220 Series supports both wired and wireless options. This versatility allows users to choose the mode that best suits their needs. The wireless models come equipped with Bluetooth technology, ensuring a stable connection while offering the freedom to move around during calls. With a good battery life, users can enjoy uninterrupted usage for several hours on a single charge.

Another significant aspect of the 220 Series is its durability. Constructed with high-quality materials, these headsets can withstand daily wear and tear, making them a worthy investment for both personal and professional use. The foldable design also enhances their portability, allowing users to easily stow them away when not in use.

Additional features include easy-to-use controls for adjusting volume, answering calls, and muting the microphone, all designed to enhance user experience. The Plantronics 220 Series is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers, making it a versatile choice for various applications.

Overall, the Plantronics 220 Series combines excellent sound quality, comfort, and durability, making it an ideal choice for anyone seeking a reliable wireless headset. Whether for business calls or enjoying music, this headset series meets diverse user needs with style and efficiency.