Samsung EC-ES20ZZBAWE2 manual Fotos und Videos aufnehmen, Drücken Sie Um zu wählen, Zu erstellen

Page 18
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Fotos und Videos aufnehmen






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], um ( ) zu wählen.


Richten Sie Ihr Motiv im Rahmen aus.


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▪▪ Ein grüner Rahmen bedeutet, dass das Motiv scharfgestellt ist.


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zu erstellen.

(für 1 GB SD)





3648 x 2736




3648 x 2432




3648 x 2052




3072 x 2304




2592 x 1944




2048 x 1536




1024 x 768





Diese Zahlen wurden unter den Standardbedingungen


von Samsung gemessen und können sich je nach


Aufnahmebedingungen und Kameraeinstellungen unterscheiden.


Image 18
Contents Quick Start Manual Contents English Camera layout Optional accessories UnpackingInserting the battery and memory card With the gold-colouredContacts facing up Option or menu Selecting optionsShooting mode, press PressPress Shutter all the way down to take the photo Press To select Align your subject in the frameAutomatically Taking a photoViewing photos Viewing videosUse the following buttons to control playback Turn on the camera Disconnecting safely for Windows XPConnect the camera to the PC with the USB Cable Select the files you want and drag or save them to the PCSpecifications Gesundheit… ………………… Aufbau der Kamera… ……… InhaltHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit Dateien auf einen PCAchtung Aufbau der Kamera Inbetriebnahme der Kamera AuspackenOptionales Zubehör Inbetriebnahme der Kamera Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzenDrücken Sie im Aufnahmemodus Drücken SieBzw. das Menü zu bestätigen Automatisch zu fokussieren Fotos und Videos aufnehmenDrücken Sie Um zu wählen Zu erstellenFotos anzeigen SymbolenDateien wiedergeben Drücken Sie Oder , um durch die Dateien zu blätternDateien auf einen PC Windows übertragen → Wechseldatenträger → Dcim →Sicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XP Technische Daten Informations relatives à La santé et à la sécurité……… SommaireInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité AvertissementsManipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soins Protégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoirePrésentation de lappareil photo Accessoires en option Assemblage de votre appareil photoContenu du coffret Insertion de la batterie et de la carte mémoire Vers le hautEn mode Prise de vue, appuyez sur Atteindre une option ou un menuSurbrillance, appuyez sur Prise de vues photo ou vidéo La lecture Lecture de fichiersAppuyez sur Ou sur pour parcourir Les fichiers Visionner des photosDébranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XP Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsSaffichent Allumez lappareil photoCaractéristiques Información sobre salud y Seguridad……………………… ContenidoInformación sobre salud y seguridad Captura de fotografías o Vídeos… ………………………Utilice y deseche las baterías y los cargadores con cuidado PrecaucionesUtilice y guarde la cámara con cuidado y de manera prudente Diseño de la cámara Configuración de la cámara DesembalajeAccesorios opcionales Insertar la batería y la tarjeta de memoria Con los contactos deSelección de opciones ResaltadosCaptura de fotografías o vídeos Pulse Para desplazarse por los Archivos Reproducción de archivosVer fotografías Ver vídeosPara Windows XP Peso DimensionesEspecificaciones Entre 0 y 40 ˚CSpecifiche…………………… ContenutoInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza AvvertimentiAttenzione Layout fotocamera Accessori opzionali Preparazione della fotocameraApertura dellimballaggio Inserimento della batteria e della scheda di memoria Rivolti verso laltoNella modalità di scatto, premete Un menu o unopzioneMenu evidenziato Scattare una foto Cattura di foto o videoPremete Premete OtturatorePremete Per scorrere i file Riproduzione di fileVisualizzazione delle fotografie Visualizzazione dei videoTrasferimento di file ad un PC Windows Disco rimovibile → Dcim → 100PHOTODisconnessione sicura per Windows XP Obiettivo SpecificheSensore immagini Umidità di esercizioSpecificaties… ……………… InhoudsopgaveInformatie over gezondheid en veiligheid Een pc Windows… …………Voorzichtig De camera voorzichtig en verstandig behandelen en opslaanCamera-indeling Optionele accessoires Uw camera gereedmaken voor gebruikUitpakken De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen De goudkleurige contactpunten wijzen naar bovenDruk op om de gemarkeerde keuze te Druk in de opnamemodus opOptie of menu te scrollen BevestigenDruk op Foto’s en videos makenEen foto nemen Te makenVideos bekijken Bestanden afspelenScrollen GebruikenBestanden overzetten naar een pc Windows Veilig loskoppelen voor Windows XPSpecificaties Gewicht BedrijfstemperatuurInformações de saúde e segurança Layout da câmera… ………… Configurando sua câmera……Sumário Especificações… ……………Manipule e descarte baterias e carregadores com cuidado CuidadosManipule e armazene sua câmera com cuidado Layout da câmera Configurando sua câmera DesembalandoAcessórios opcionais Inserindo a bateria e o cartão de memória Com os contatosDourados voltados para Cima Pressione No modo Fotografia, pressioneUma opção ou para um menu Menu realçadoCapturando fotos ou vídeos Pressione Ou para percorrer os Arquivos Reproduzindo arquivosvExibindo fotos ReproduçãoTransferindo arquivos para um PC Windows Desconectando com segurança Windows XPDisco removível → Dcim → 100PHOTO Especificações AD68-04181A
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The Samsung EC-ES20 series of compact digital cameras offers consumers an impressive combination of design, functionality, and cutting-edge technology. Specifically, models EC-ES20ZZBASFR, EC-ES20ZZBASIT, EC-ES20ZZBASSA, EC-ES20ZZDABME, and EC-ES20ZZBABE3 are recognized for their sleek aesthetics and user-friendly interfaces, making them perfect for both novice photographers and more seasoned users.

One of the standout features of the EC-ES20 series is the powerful 14.2-megapixel sensor. This high-resolution capability ensures that images capture fine details and deliver vibrant colors, enhancing the overall quality of photographs taken in various lighting conditions. The cameras also boast a 5x optical zoom lens, which allows users to get closer to their subjects without losing image quality. This feature is particularly appealing for travel photography, where subjects may be at a distance.

The EC-ES20 series incorporates advanced image stabilization technologies, which help counteract camera shake and produce sharp images, even in low-light scenarios. This feature is extremely beneficial for users who enjoy capturing spontaneous moments without the need for a tripod.

In addition to still photography, these models support HD video recording, providing users with the ability to capture high-definition videos effortlessly. The ability to switch between photo and video modes seamlessly adds to the versatility of the camera.

Another hallmark of the EC-ES20 series is the array of scene modes and filters available, which allow users to creatively enhance their images with ease. From portrait to landscape, each mode optimizes camera settings automatically, ensuring that users can achieve the best results regardless of the shooting environment.

Connectivity options such as USB and HDMI ports make it easy to transfer images and videos to other devices for editing and sharing. This connectivity, paired with a user-friendly interface, makes the Samsung EC-ES20 an ideal companion for those who enjoy documenting life’s moments.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ES20 series is an exceptional selection for anyone looking to invest in a compact and reliable digital camera. With its blend of high resolution, optical zoom, image stabilization, and modern connectivity options, it stands out as a practical choice for capturing life’s adventures with clarity and ease. Whether for casual use or more serious photography, these models offer features that cater to a wide audience.