Samsung ME6124ST/EGY manual Important Safety Instructions

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Safety Precautions

To prevent delayed boiling and possible scalding, you should put a plastic spoon or glass stick into the beverages and stir before, during and after heating.

Reason: During the heating of liquids the boiling point can be delayed; this means that eruptive boiling can start after the container is removed from the oven. You may scald yourself.

In the event of scalding, follow these FIRST AID instructions:

Immerse the scalded area in cold water for at least 10 minutes.

Cover with a clean, dry dressing.

Do not apply any creams, oils or lotions.

NEVER fill the container to the top and choose a container that is wider at the top than at the bottom to prevent the liquid from boiling over. Bottles with narrow necks may also explode if overheated.

ALWAYS check the temperature of baby food or milk before giving it to the baby.

NEVER heat a baby’s bottle with the teat on, as the bottle may explode if overheated.

9.Be careful not to damage the power cable.

Do not immerse the power cable or plug in water and keep the power cable away from heated surfaces.

Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged power cable or plug.

10.Stand at arm’s length from the oven when opening the door. Reason: The hot air or steam released may cause scalding.

11.Keep the inside of the oven clean.

Reason: Food particles or spattered oils stuck to oven walls or floor can cause paint damage and reduce the efficiency of the oven.

12.You may notice a “Clicking” sound during operation(especially when the oven is in defrosting).

Reason: This sound is normal when the electrical power output is changing.

13.When the microwave oven is operating without any load, the power will be cut off automatically for safety. You can operate the oven normally after letting it stand for over 30 minutes.


During cooking, you should look into the oven from time to time when food is being heated or cooked in disposable containers of plastic, paper or other combustible materials.


Young children or infirm persons should NEVER be allowed to use or play with the microwave oven. Nor should they be left unattended near the microwave oven when it is in use. Items of interest to children should not be stored or hidden just above the oven.


If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not be operated until it has been repaired by a competent person.


It is hazardous for anyone other than a comperent person to carry out any service or repair operation which involves the removal of a cover which gives protection against exposure to microwave energy.


Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers since they are liable to explode.


Only allow children to use the oven without supervision when adequate instructions have been given so that the child is able to use the oven in a safe way and understands the hazards of improper use.

Please recycle or dispose of the packaging material for this product in an environmentally responsible manner.

Please contact your local authorities in regard to the enviromentally safe disposal of this product.


Image 39
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