Samsung GW71E-S/XET, GW71E/XEC, GW71E/XEH, GW71E/BOL, GW71E/XEO manual Reheating Baby Food, Remark

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Cooking Guide(continued)


Your microwave oven will reheat food in a fraction of the time that conventional ovens hobs normally take.

Use the power levels and reheating times in the following chart as a guide. The times in the chart consider liquids with a room temperature of about +18 to +20°C or a chilled food with a temperature of about +5 to +7°C.

Arranging and covering

Avoid reheating large items such as joint of meat - they tend to overcook and dry out before the centre is piping hot. Reheating small pieces will be more successful.

Power levels and stirring

Some foods can be reheated using 750 W power while others should be reheated using 600 W, 450 W or even 300 W.

Check the tables for guidance. In general, it is better to reheat food using a lower power level, if the food is delicate, in large quantities, or if it is likely to heat up very quickly (mince pies, for example).

Stir well or turn food over during reheating for best results. When possible, stir again before serving.

Take particular care when heating liquids and baby foods. To prevent eruptive boiling of liquids and possible scalding , stir before, during and after heating. Keep them in the microwave oven during standing time. We recommend putting a plastic spoon or glass stick into the liquids. Avoid overheating (and therefore spoiling) the food.

It is preferable to underestimate cooking time and add extra heating time, if necessary.

Heating and standing times

When reheating food for the first time, it is helpful to make a note of the time taken - for future reference.

Always make sure that the reheated food is piping hot throughout.

Allow food to stand for a short time after reheating - to let the temperature even out. The recommended standing time after reheating is 2-4 minutes, unless another time is recommended in the chart.

Take particular care when heating liquids and baby food. See also the chapter with the safety precautions.





Always allow a standing time of at least 20 seconds after the oven has been switched off to allow the temperature to even out. Stir during heating, if necessary, and ALWAYS stir after heating. To prevent eruptive boiling and possible scalding, you should put a spoon or glass stick into the beverages and stir before, during and after heating.


BABY FOOD: Empty into a deep ceramic plate. Cover with plastic lid. Stir well after reheating! Let stand for 2-3 minutes before serving. Stir again and check the temperature. Recommended serving temperature: between 30-40°C.

BABY MILK: Pour milk into a sterilised glass bottle. Reheat uncovered. Never heat a baby's bottle with teat on, as the bottle may explode if overheated. Shake well before standing time and again before serving ! Always carefully check the temperature of baby milk or food before giving it to the baby. Recommended serving temperature: ca. 37°C.


Baby food particularly needs to be checked carefully before serving to prevent burns. Use the power levels and times in the next table as a guide lines for reheating.


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Contents Ръчно размразяване на храни Използване на функцията за моменталноКодов DE68-03485Q Как се използва тази книжка с инструкцииНамена Съединителят върти въртящата се поставка ПринадлежностиФурна Командно таблоПовреди фурната Как се използва тази книжка с инструкцииМерки по безопасност Важно Забележка ВниманиеВнимание Мерки по безопасност продължениеМонтаж на вашата микровълнова фурна ВажноНива на мощност Как да постъпите, ако се съмнявате или имате проблемГотвене / Претопляне Настройка на времето за готвене Ръчно размразяване на храниИзбор на принадлежности Завъртете копчето Контрол на мощността за готвене Печене на грил Комбиниране на микровълни и грилЗавъртите копчето за контрол на мощността за Резултат Готвенето започваУказател за готварски съдове Плоча за запичане Препоръчва се Използвайте внимателно  Не е подходящо Ръководство за готвене МикровълниГотвене Готварски указател за пресни зеленчуци Готварски указател продължениеЗабележка ПретоплянеПретопляне НА Течности Претопляне НА Бебешки Храни200 ml 600 W 30 сек600 W 20 сек 100 ml 300 W1000 Размразяване500 гр 250 грВажна Забележка ГрилМикровълни + Грил Важна ЗабележкаСпециални Съвети Технически данни Почистване на вашата микровълнова фурнаМикробранова Печка Печка Контролна плочаДодатоци Важно Забелешка Внимание Користење на упатството Мерки за безбедностНе поставувајте ја микробрановата печка во витрина ПредупредувањеОдзади и од страните и 20 cm 8 инчи одгоре Отстранете ја амбалажата од внатрешноста на печкатаШто да направите ако се сомневате или имате проблем Готвење / подгревањеНивоа на јачина Употреба на функцијата за брзо подгревање/ готвење Прекинување на готвењетоПечење Комбинирање на микробранови и грејач Водич за опрема за готвење Чинија за печење Препорака Користете внимателно  Несигурно Водич за готвење МикробрановиГотвење Водич за готвење на свеж зеленчук Водич за готвење продолжениеВодич за готвење на ориз и тестенини ТестениниЗабелешка ПодгревањеПодгревање Течности Подгревање Храна ЗА БебињаПодгревање храна и млеко за бебиња Подгревање течности и хранаОдмрзнување Грејач Микробранови + ГрејачВажна Забелешка Водич за печење продолжение Специјални СоветиТехнички спецификации Чистење на микробрановата печкаCuptor CU Microunde Suportul metalic se așează deasupra platoului rotativ Scop CuptorulPanoul de control CurăţareUtilizarea acestei broşuri cu instrucţiuni Măsuri de siguranţăNotă Avertizare MWO Grill În caz de nelămuriri sau probleme Prepararea/ReîncălzireaPutere Maximă 750W Control Putere DE PreparareRotiţi butonul Control Putere DE Preparare în poziţia 180W Oprirea preparăriiUtilizarea funcţiei de reîncălzire/preparare instantanee CronometruRotiţi butonul Control putere de preparare la nivelul de Ghidul recipientelor Ghid de preparare MicroundePrepararea Ghid de preparare pentru legume proaspete Ghid de preparare continuareGhid de preparare pentru orez și paste Aliment Porţie Putere Timp Durată de InstrucţiuniObservaţie ReîncălzireaReîncălzirea Lichidelor Reîncălzirea Hranei Pentru BebeluşiAliment Porţie Putere Timp Durată Instrucţiuni Reîncălzirea lichidelor și alimentelorAliment Porţie Putere Timp Durată Instrucţiuni Min Reîncălzirea laptelui și a hranei pentru bebelușiDecongelarea Observaţie Importantă GrillMicrounde + Grill Observaţie ImportantăSugestii Speciale Curăţarea cuptorului cu microunde Specificaţii tehniceGW71E Mikrotalasna Pećnica Obrtni prsten, postavlja se na sredinu pećnice Pećnica Kontrolna tablaDodatni elementi Primena Obrtni prsten drži obrtno postoljeUpotreba ovog korisničkog priručnika Mere predostrožnostiVažnoNapomena Upozorenje Upozorenje Mere predostrožnosti nastavakInstaliranje mikrotalasne pećnice VažnoSnaga Šta učiniti ako ste u nedoumici ili imate problemRučno odmrzavanje hrane Prekidanje kuvanjaPodešavanje vremena kuvanja Postavke trenutnog podgrevanja/kuvanjaOkrenite dugme za podešavanje snage kuvanja do Vodič za posuđe Tanjir za reš pečenje Nije bezbedno Vodiè za kuvanje smrznutog povræa Vodič za kuvanjeMikrotalasi KuvanjeVodiè za kuvanje nastavak Vodiè za kuvanje pirinèa i testenineVodiè za kuvanje svežeg povræa Podgrevanje Podgrevanje Hrane ZA BebeNapomena Podgrevanje hrane i mleka za bebe Podgrevanje teènosti i hraneOdmrzavanje Važna Napomena RoštiljMikrotalasi + Roštilj Važna NapomenaPosebne Napomene Čišćenje mikrotalasne pećnice Tehničke specifikacije Microwave Oven Accessories OvenControl Panel Important NoteCaution Using this Instruction Booklet Safety PrecautionsOver 30 minutes Safety Precautions Installing Your Microwave ovenOutput What to Do if You are in Doubt or Have a ProblemPower Levels Cooking / ReheatingChoosing the Accessories Stopping the Cooking Using the Instant Reheat/Cook FeatureAdjusting the Cooking Time Instant Reheat/Cook SettingsGrilling Combining Microwaves and the Grill Cookware Guide Browning plate Recommended Use Caution  Unsafe Cooking Guide MicrowavesCooking Cooking Guide for fresh vegetables Cooking Guide for rice and pastaReheating Reheating Baby FoodRemark Reheating Baby Food and Milk Reheating Liquids and FoodDefrosting Dimensions W x H x D Cleaning Your Microwave Oven Technical SpecificationsGrill Guide Special HintsCleaning Your Microwave Oven Technical Specifications
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GW71E/XEH, GW71E-S/XET, GW71E/XEO, GW71E/BOL, GW71E/XEC specifications

The Samsung GW71E/XET and GW71E-S/XET are notable entries in the realm of smart technology, reflecting Samsung's commitment to innovation and user satisfaction. These models embody a blend of advanced features, cutting-edge technologies, and user-friendly characteristics that cater to a diverse range of needs.

One of the standout features of the GW71E series is its impressive display technology. Utilizing Samsung's proprietary QLED technology, these models offer vibrant color reproduction, exceptional brightness, and remarkable contrast ratios. The result is a viewing experience that is not only visually stunning but also immersive, making it ideal for various applications, from entertainment to professional tasks.

The GW71E is equipped with a robust processor that ensures smooth performance, whether multitasking with several applications or streaming high-definition content. This efficiency is further enhanced by the models' generous memory and storage configurations, allowing users to store ample data and run applications seamlessly.

In terms of connectivity, both the GW71E/XET and GW71E-S/XET come with a comprehensive array of options. They support the latest Wi-Fi standards, enabling fast and stable internet connections. Additionally, multiple HDMI and USB ports facilitate easy integration with other devices, such as gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and external hard drives. This versatility makes it an ideal hub for any entertainment setup.

Security is another focal point for Samsung in these models. They come with advanced security features such as Samsung Knox, which protects personal and sensitive information from threats. This emphasis on security is vital for users who value privacy and data protection in a connected world.

Moreover, the GW71E series boasts an intelligent interface that simplifies navigation and enhances user experience. With smart features such as voice control and personalized recommendations, users can effortlessly access their favorite content and applications. The inclusion of SmartThings integration allows users to control compatible smart home devices directly from their screen, adding convenience to daily living.

In terms of design, the GW71E and GW71E-S maintain a sleek and modern aesthetic, making them suitable for any interior decor. The minimalistic bezels and premium finish add a touch of elegance, ensuring they are not just functional devices but also attractive additions to any space.

In summary, the Samsung GW71E/XET and GW71E-S/XET offer a compelling combination of advanced display technology, robust performance, versatile connectivity, and sophisticated security features. With their user-centric design and innovative functionalities, these models are positioned to meet the demands of both everyday users and tech enthusiasts alike.