Page 18 | WI818G 10/05 |
1.Enter the panel's Dealer Security Code, then press R.
2.Answer NO to all questions until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” is displayed; then press YES. NOTE: If you pass “ACTIVATE PROGRAM”, scroll backward using B.
3.Press Cto enter the Address Program Mode. Address "0000" will display.
4.Press 0900to access Address 0900. The existing data will display and the cursor will ad- vance to the data field.
5.Since you wish the reporting code to be "1B", press 1 to enter a "1" in the display, and press G1to enter a "B" in the display. NOTE: The right address is reported first, therefore, in the ad- dress table, the right digit is the 1st digit of the reporting code ("1" in this example).
6.Press Uto save. Address 0900 is now programmed with an Ambush reporting code of "1B".
7.Press Rand enter another
The Keypad Programming Worksheets that follow are provided as an
Keep the Keypad Programming Worksheets on file for future reference.
General Programming Steps
1.Contact the central station to ascertain receiver format, data format, event codes, subscriber numbers and tele- phone number(s).
2.Select the desired features by writing in (pencil recommended) the respective “address” boxes. Refer to the Programming Options and Worksheets for guidance in selecting the “data” to be entered into those boxes.
3.Program the data entered in the boxes on the worksheets into the respective addresses. The display will show the entry numerically, but if hexadecimal format will display “0” for the number 10, and letters “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, and “F” for the numbers 11 through 15, respectively. To program a 10, press G0. To program 11 through 15, press G1through G5, respectively.
The displays will appear after a brief delay.
Use Rto toggle the cursor between the
Enter the address directly using the number buttons.
The contents of the address will be read automatically, along with the feature name and programming information. The cursor will advance to the data field. Enter the required data directly using the number buttons.
IMPORTANT: Press Uor Dto save the contents of each address.
EXIT DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE: When done, press Cto exit and resume normal keypad operation.
LNAPCO Security Systems |