EN 2
Contents |
| |
1.0 | System Overview | 3 |
2.0 | Conventions Used in This Guide | 3 |
2.1 | Tips, Notes, Cautions, and Warnings | 3 |
2.2 | Typographical Conventions | 3 |
3.0 | Understanding Areas (Partitions) | 4 |
4.0 | Understanding the Text and LED Keypads | 5 |
5.0 | Understanding the RF Keypad and Keyfobs | 6 |
5.1 | General Information | 6 |
5.2 | Option and Emergency Keys | 6 |
6.0 | Day to Day Operations | 7 |
6.1 | Standard Operations | 7 |
6.1.1 | Normal Arming | 7 |
6.1.2 | Perimeter Instant Arming | 8 |
6.1.3 | Perimeter Arming | 9 |
6.1.4 | Custom Arming | 10 |
6.1.5 | Maximum Security Arming | 11 |
6.1.6 | Normal Disarming | 12 |
6.2 | Optional Operations | 13 |
6.2.1 | Quick Arming | 13 |
6.2.2 | Force Arming | 13 |
6.2.3 | Zone Bypass | 14 |
6.2.4 | Automatic Arming | 15 |
6.2.5 | Delaying Automatic Arming | 15 |
6.2.6 | Automatic Disarming | 16 |
6.2.7 | Delayed Arming | 16 |
6.2.8 | Chime Mode | 17 |
6.2.9 | Access Control | 17 |
6.2.10 | Changing the Date | 18 |
6.2.11 | Setting the System Clock | 18 |
7.0 | Emergency Procedures | 19 |
7.1 | Identifying Alarm Sounds | 19 |
7.2 | Silencing Alarms | 19 |
7.3 | A Cautionary Note | 19 |
7.4 | Caution When Entering a Building | 19 |
7.5 | Fire Alarms | 19 |
7.6 | Fire Reset | 19 |
7.7 | Fire Trouble | 19 |
7.8 | Fire Safety | 20 |
7.9 | Emergency Keypad Alarms/ Silencing Alarms | 21 |
7.10Turning OFF (Disarming) Your System under
| Duress | 22 |
8.0 | Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) | 23 |
8.1 | General Information | 23 |
8.2 | Removing a PIN | 23 |
8.3 | Changing a PIN | 23 |
8.4 | PIN Authority Levels | 24 |
8.5Changing the Expiration Date for Temporary PINs.
.................................................................................... 24
9.0 | Error Displays | 25 |
9.1 | System Faults | 26 |
10.0 | Testing Your System | 27 |
10.1 | Zone Test | 27 |
10.2 | Battery Tests | 28 |
10.3 | Communicator Test | 28 |
10.4 | Fire Walk Test | 29 |
10.5 | Event History Readback | 30 |
11.0 | The Master Keypad (Text Keypad Only) | 31 | |
11.1 | General Information | 31 | |
11.2 | Master Keypad Displays | 31 | |
11.3 | Single Partition Mode | 32 | |
11.4 | Arming from the Master Keypad | 32 | |
11.5 | Disarming from the Master Keypad | 33 | |
12.0 | Glossary | 34 | |
13.0 | Quick Reference Guide | 35 | |
14.0 | System Features Reference Guide | 37 | |
Figures |
| |
Figure 1: |
| Text and LED Keypads | 5 |
Figure 2: |
| RF Keypad and Keyfobs | 6 |
Figure 3: |
| Escape Plan | 20 |
Figure 4: |
| Smoke Detector Installation | 21 |
Figure 5: |
| Emergency Keypad Alarms | 21 |
Tables |
| |
Table 1: |
| Keypad LEDs | 5 |
Table 2: |
| Additional LEDs | 5 |
Table 3: |
| Normal Arming | 7 |
Table 4: |
| Perimeter Instant Arming | 8 |
Table 5: |
| Perimeter Arming | 9 |
Table 6: |
| Custom Arming | 10 |
Table 7: |
| Maximum Security Arming | 11 |
Table 8: |
| Normal Disarming | 12 |
Table 9: |
| Quick Arming | 13 |
Table 10: | Force Arming | 13 | |
Table 11: | Zone Bypass 14 |
| |
Table 12: | Automatic Arming | 15 | |
Table 13: | Delaying Automatic Arming | 15 | |
Table 14: | Automatic Disarming | 16 | |
Table 15: | Delayed Arming | 16 | |
Table 16: | Chime Mode 17 |
| |
Table 17: | Access Control | 17 | |
Table 18: | Changing the Date | 18 | |
Table 19: | Setting the System Clock | 18 | |
Table 20: | Disarming Your System under Duress | 22 | |
Table 21: | Changing a PIN | 23 | |
Table 22: | Changing the Expiration Date | 24 | |
Table 23: | Error Displays | 25 | |
Table 24: | System Faults 26 |
| |
Table 25: | Zone Test | 27 | |
Table 26: | Zone Test | 28 | |
Table 27: | Communicator Test | 28 | |
Table 28: | Fire Walk Test | 29 | |
Table 29: | Event History Readback | 30 | |
Table 30: | Master Keypad LEDs | 31 | |
Table 31: | Arming from the Master Keypad | 32 | |
Table 32: | Disarming from the Master Keypad | 33 |
Bosch Security Systems 6/05 4998154961B