deciding on component locations
locations for the siren
Some things to remember about mounting the siren:
■Keep it away from heat sources, such as radiators, exhaust manifolds, turbochargers, and heat shields.
■Mount it where a thief cannot easily disconnect it, whether the hood is open or shut. Both the siren and its wires should be difficult to find. This usually involves disguising the wire to look like a factory harness.
■We recommend against grounding the siren to its mounting screws. Instead, we recommend running both the red and black wires into the passenger compartment and grounding to one common point for all devices. After all, both wires are the same length and come already bonded together. Whenever possible, conceal your wires in the factory harnesses or in the same style loom as the factory.
■When possible, place the siren on the same side of the vehicle as the control module, where its wires will reach the control module’s wires without extending them. Always run the wires through the center of a grommet, never through bare metal!
■Point the siren down so water does not collect in it.
locations for the control module
Some things to remember about where to mount the control module:
■Never put the control module in the engine compartment!
■The first step in
■When mounting the control module, try to find a secure location that will not require you to extend the harnesses wires (they are 1.5 meters long). Keep it away from the heater core (or any other heat sources) and any obvious leaks.