Wayne-Dalton 3982 Troubleshooting, Symptom, Probable Cause, Corrective Action

Page 34









No power to the opener.

Check the opener power cord to outlet con-

Opener does not respond to the wall





station or transmitter?

Controls are not programed.

See code change and programming section.






Opner works from the wall station but

Transmitter is not programmed.

See code change and programming section.




not the transmitter?

Weak or dead wallstation battery.

See maintenance section for battery re-








Opener works from the transmitter but

Wall station is not programmed.

See code change and programming section.




not from the wall station?

Weak or dead wallstation battery.

See maintenance section for battery re-








Door does not move and the opener

The install routine has not been

Perform the install routine.


beeps two times?







Door does not move with the remote


Reset the circuit breaker or contact a quali-

control command and no beeps come

Blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker.

fi ed service person for fuse information.

from the opener?


No power to the opener.


Door does not move with a remote

Check power cord connection.




control command and opener beeps

Possible damaged motor wiring.

Call a qualifi ed service person.

one time?







Door stops or reverses, and the opener

Obstruction encountered.

Clear the door path.



beeps three or four times?

Out-of-balance condition detected.

Contact a qualifi ed service person.





Door does not close properly?

Counterbalance cables are not on

Apply constant pressure to the wall station’s

the drums properly.

up/down button to close the door.






Thermal delay: The door has cycled

Door will operate after a oneminute waiting



Door will not close?

eight times in a fi ve minute period.



Repeat the install routine or contact a quali-


Contact obstruction test failure.


fi ed service person.






Door does not travel to a full open or full

Door is out of balance.

Call a qualifi ed service person.



close position?

Door limits are set improperly.

Repeat the install routine.







Disconnect the opener and force the door to

Door is not sealing to the fl oor?

Bottom door limit is set too high.

the fl oor by rotating the torque tube.

Reconnect the opener and activate the





install routine.




Door is reversing at or near the fl oor?

Counterbalance springs have too

Call a qualifi ed service person.




Motor does not pivot up fully when door

much tension.

Install routine may have to be repeated.

is opening?








Image 34
Contents Important Notice Model 3982 idrive Extension Spring KitFCC and IC Statement Table of ContentsSystem Requirements FCC Regulatory InformationINSTALLATION AND USE INSTALLATION AND USEHardware Kit: 3982 idrive Extension Spring Kit idrive Package Contents idrive Hardware KitAvailable Accessories: For idrive Tools NeededStep 1: Extension Spring Relief idrive Retro-fitInstallationExtension idrive Installation Step 2: Remove Front SheaveNOTE: In some instances there Step 4: Flag Bracket InstallationStep 4A: Track Width Conformation shown in stepNOTE Do not remove shrink wrap from cable Step 5: Cable Drum InstallationStep 6 Bottom Bracket Lifting Cables drums until instructed to do soStep 8 Extension Spring Counterbalance Step 7: Drum Wrap Installationwrapped oppositely on the drum WARNING TO AVOID SEVERE IN Step 9: Safety Cable InstallationStep 10 Lower the Door JURY DO NOT PLACE FINGERS OR HANDbody. Do not hold by the motor Step 11: idrive Opener/Torque Tube AssemblyNOTE Hold the opener by the main NOTE: Do not force the opener ontoStep 13: Secure idrive Opener NOTE: It is recommended that 1/4” lag screw loca Step 14: Disconnect Installationtion be pilot drilled using 1/8” drill bit and Owner’s ManualPre-OperationInstallation Step 15: Wall Station InstallationJumper Settings: Opener Switch Settings Light FixtureStep 16 Multi-Opener/LightFixture Programming Step 17: Light Fixture Installation CEILING MOUNTINGpower back on at fuse box Light Fixture Installation ContinuedWALL MOUNTING NOTE: If wires must be lengthened or spliced into Step 18: Photoelectric Safety Sensor Installationnectors Photoelectric Safety Sensor Installation ContinuedLIGHT FIXTURE POWER OUTLET RECEPTACLE Step 19: Power Connection Standard WiringCONVENIENT POWER OUTLET #6 X 7/8 WOOD SCREWS POWER CORD FEMALE END OPENERStep 20 Power Connection Permanent Wiring Option Step 22: Photoelectric Safety Sensor Alignment Step 21 Securing the OpenerChanging the wall station’s security code Wall Station ProgrammingMOTOR OPERATED POSITION Step 24 Install RoutineUP/DOWN BUTTON PROFILE BUTTON Step 26: Lock Arm Installation Step 25: Detent Adjustment if requiredStep 27: Custom Settings Step 28 Photoelectric Obstruction Sensor Test Step 29: Contact Obstruction TestCHANGING THE TRANSMITTER’S SECURITY CODE Step 30: Transmitter Security CodeChange and Programming TRANSMITTER PROGRAMMINGper Step Teaching Power UnitStep 31: Programming HomeLink to idrive PROGRAMMING Training HomeLink UnitOperation Important Safety Instructions8.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Transmitter Operationservice person immediately Wall Station OperationMOTOR DOWN POSITION DOOR LOCKED Manual Door Operation Emergency DisconnectDISCONNECTED, MOTOR UP POSITION Battery replacement MaintenanceMonthly Maintenance NOTE: Dispose of dead batteries properlyPROBABLE CAUSE TroubleshootingSYMPTOM CORRECTIVE ACTIONSYMPTOM Troubleshooting continuedLock Arm Troubleshooting SYMPTOMQuestions?? Wayne-DaltonCustomer ServiceLIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY For quick answers and helpful advise, call