Product & Safety Information
•Maximum working pressure for inner (domestic water) tank is 150 psig.
•Maximum working pressure for outer (primary water) tank is 45 psig.
•Inner tank has factory installed Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve with an AGA rating of 100,000 Btu/hr for
•Outer tank has a factory installed 30 psig relief valve rated at 535,000 Btu/hr
•Electrical rating:120 V, 60 Hz, less than 12 amperes
•pH & chloride limits for the PER- FORMANCE PLUS are:
-Chloride, less than 80 mg/l.
-pH, 6.0 - 8.0.
Any water conditioning system must be installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
•180º Maximum operating temperature - primary side.
•120º Maximum outlet/mixed tempera- ture - domestic side.
Single wall heat exchanger in the PERFOR- MANCE PLUS complies with National Standard Plumbing Code, provided that:
-Outer tank water (including additives) is practically
-Outer tank pressure is limited to max- imum 30 psig by approved relief valve.
Single wall heat exchangers are permitted under the Uniform Plumbing code - Paragraph L3.2. if they satisfy all of the following requirements.
1. The heat transfer medium is potable water or contains only substances which are recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
2. The pressure of the heat transfer medium is maintained less than the normal mini- mum operating pressure of the potable water system
3. The equipment is permanently labeled to indicate that only additives recog- nized as safe by the FDA shall be used in the heat transfer medium.
Or, per Uniform Plumbing Code paragraph
L3.3 as follows:
Other heat exchanger designs may be permitted where approved by theAdministrativeAuthority.