Start-Up Procedures
Final Checks Before Start-up
Verify the PERFORMANCE PLUS and the primary and domestic systems are full of water and all system compo- nents are correctly set for operation.
Verify all electrical connections are correct and securely fasten.
Inspect vent piping and combustion air inlet piping for signs of deterioration from corrosion, physical damage or sagging. Verify combustion air piping and vent pip- ing are intact and correctly installed.
Verify Burner Configuration - Propane Only.
Check for proper labeling on the gas valve, combustion air inlet and the rat- ing label for propane configuration.
If there is doubt on the burner configu- ration, remove the gas valve and check for proper propane orifice. Refer to Propane Conversion Instructions for additional information on assembly of the gas valve.
Adjustment of the Secondary Thermostat Limit.
The Secondary (Domestic) Thermostat located on left side of the control panel maintains the minimum domestic water storage temperature.
Set the thermostat knob as shown in Figure 38 page 54.
Maximum limit setting is 140ºF
1.Turn the
If PERFORMANCE PLUS Does Not Start Correctly
1.Check for loose electrical connections, blown fuse or open service switch.
2.Check continuity across the Low Water
3.Is the manual limit control open? Ensure the manual limit is reset to the close position.
4.Is the gas supply valve open at the unit and meter?
5.Is incoming gas supply pressure more than 5”w.c. for natural or propane with all gas appliances operating
6.Are the heating thermostats set below room temperature?
If none of these conditions correct the problem, refer to the PERFORMANCE PLUS Trouble- shooting guide.
Check the PERFORMANCE PLUS and System
Check Domestic Piping.
Check domestic piping and system components for leaks. If found, shut down the unit and repair immediately.
Check Primary Piping.
Check primary system piping and com- ponents for leaks. If found, shut down the unit and repair immediately.
Purge any remaining air from the system piping. Air in the system piping will interfere with circulation creating heat distribution problems and system noise.
Check Vent Piping and Combustion Air Piping.
Check for