b n m
te q
bDraw the thread down and pass it through the right hole in the guide plate.
q Right hole in the guide plate
nPass the thread through the eye of the right check spring.
w Eye of the check spring
mPull the thread up and pass it through the second hole from the right.
e Second hole from the right
,Continue to pull the thread up to the right
.Draw the thread down and pass it through the third hole from the right in the guide plate.
t Third hole from the right
⁄0Continue to draw the thread down to the lower guide plate and pass the thread through the right hole.
yRight hole in the lower guide plate
⁄1Hold the thread with both hand and slip the thread behind in the right needle bar thread guide.
uNeedle bar thread guide
⁄2Thread the needle with the handy needle threader (refer to the next page).
⁄3Pass the thread through the hole in the presser foot.
Draw the thread up and pinch the thread tail with the holder spring.
iHole in the presser foot o Holder spring
⁄4Pull up the tension release lever to close the tension disks.
!0Tension release lever