MGE Galaxy 5000
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. |
Inverter | An electrical circuit that generates an AC voltage source from a DC voltage source. |
IGBT | Insulated gate bipolar transistors. |
I/O | Input/Output. |
KVA | |
KW | True power. |
L | Line. |
LCD | |
LED | Light Emitting Diode. |
Mains or Mains 1 | Main AC input source. |
Mains 2 | Bypass AC input source. |
mA | Milliampere. |
MAX. | Maximum. |
N | Neutral. |
NC | Normally closed. |
NO | Normally open. |
NEC | National Electrical Code. |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association. |
PN | Part number. |
Pn | Nominal power. |
Inverter output power is the primary energy source to load. | |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Agency. |
PCA | Printed circuit assembly. |
PCB | Printed circuit board. |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation. |
Q1 | UPS input isolation switch. |
Q3BP | UPS maintenance bypass switch. |
Q4S | UPS bypass switch. |
Q5N | UPS output switch. |
Remote Emergency | A switch used for shutting down electrical equipment from a location away from |
Power Off | the equipment. |
REPO | Remote Emergency Power Off. |
G — 2 | Glossary |