c.When the pump is cold, check that the heaters are bolted snugly to the boiler plate and that all heater terminal connections are tightly fastened inside the junction box.
d.Check the total heater input and balance of load if a
e.Check to insure that cooling water flow is unobstructed and not below specified quantities.
Complete cleaning of the pump may be periodically required because of the gradual deterioration of some pump fluids. Removal of the pump from the system is then necessary.
If hazardous gas, vapors, chemicals, or combustible mixtures are pumped, sufficient quantities may exist during operation. This pump may contain decomposed and/or overheated pump oils or poisonous and/or corrosive process materials which are highly toxic and also can be an asphyxiant. Proper operation will not always ensure that all haz- ardous materials have been removed.
Diffusion pumps are typically cleaned with acetone, alcohol, or other solvents.
When heated, sprayed or exposed to high temperature equipment, these solvents become flammable and explosive, causing serious injury or death. Do not use near a
Acetone, alcohol, and other solvents are irritants, narcotics, depres- sants, and/or carcinogenics. Their inhalation and/or ingestion may pro- duce serious effects. Prolonged or continued contact with the skin will result in absorption through the skin and moderate toxicity. Always ensure that cleaning operations are carried out in large,
Acetone and other solvents degrade