Brother LS 2125 instruction manual Darning, Reprisage, Zurcido Cerzidura passajar

Page 46








6 (Straight Stitch)


Darning Plate

1.Place the darning plate on the needle plate as shown in fig. A.

2.Set the pattern selection dial to the Straight Stitch (6) with the desired length.

3.Place the portion to be darned under the presser foot together with a fabric underlay for reinforcement.

4.Either remove both the presser foot and presser foot holder as- sembly or use an embroidering presser foot (sold separately).

5.Begin sewing alternating between gently drawing the work away from you and pulling it toward you. With the darning plate on the machine, the feed dogs will not move the fabric. You con- trol the fabric movement with your hands.

6.Repeat this motion until the portion to be darned is filled with parallel lines of stitching. See fig. B.








6 (Point droit)

Sans pied

Plaque à repriser

1.Placer la plaque à repriser sur la plaque à aiguille comme le montre la fig. A.

2.Mettre le sélecteur de modèle sur le point droit (6) avec la lon- gueur souhaitée.

3.Placer la partie à repriser et la pièce de renfort sous le pied-de- biche.

4.Soit retirer le pied-de-biche et son support ou utiliser un pied pour broderies (non fourni)

5.Commencer à coudre en donnant au tissu un mouvement de va-et-vient (en le poussant et en le tirant doucement). Lorsque la plaque à repriser est installée sur la machine, les griffes d’en- traînement n’ont plus d’effet sur le tissu. Le tissu est déplacé manuellement.

6.Répéter l’opération jusqu’à ce que l’ensemble de la partie à repriser soit couverte de lignes de piqûres parallèles. Voir fig. B.



Cerzidura (passajar)

Número de puntada






6 (Puntada recta)

Quitarlo, sin prensatelas

Placa de zurcir




1.Instale la placa de zurcir sobre la placa de agujas tal como se ilus- tra en la fig. A.

2.Ponga el selector de puntadas en la puntada recta (6) con el largo deseado.

3.Ponga el tejido a zurcir debajo del prensatelas con una pieza de tela de refuerzo debajo.

4.Quite el prensatelas y su soporte o use un prensatelas para borda- dos (que se vende aparte).

5.Empiece a coser empujando y tirando alternativamente del tejido. Cuando la placa de zurcir está puesta en la máquina, los alimentadores no tienen ningún efecto sobre el tejido. Su movimiento se controla únicamente con las manos.

6.Repita la operación hasta que se haya completado el zurcido co- siendo unas cuantas pasadas de puntadas paralelas. Véase fig. B.

Nº do ponto






6 (Ponto reto)


Chapa de cerzidura




1.Coloque a chapa de cerzido na chapa de agulha, como indica a fig. A.

2.Coloque o botão seletor ponto reto (6), com o comprimento preten- dido.

3.Coloque a parte a ser cerzida debaixo do calcador juntamente com um pedaço de tecido por baixo, para reforçar a costura.

4.Retire o calcador e o conjunto de suporte do calcador ou utilize um calcador de bordar (vendido separadamente).

5.Comece a costurar afastando e puxando alternadamente o tecido na sua direção. Com a chapa de cerzido colocada na máquina, os den- tes não transfrontarai o tecido. Você controlará o movimento do te- cido com as suas mãos.

6.Repita estes movimentos até que a parte a ser cerzida esteja com- pletamente coberta com linhas paralelas de costura. Veja a fig. B.




Image 46
Contents Page Important Safety Instructions Conserver CES Instructions Importantes Instrucciones DE Seguridad Guarde Estas Instruções Connecting Plugs and Main Power / Sewing Light Switch Contents Passagem DAS Linhas Indice ÍndiceFuncionamento DA SUA Máquina DE Costura ÍndicePrincipal Parts Elementos Principales Principais ComponentesPiéces Principales Accessories AccesoriosFuncionamiento DE LA MÁ Quina DE Coser Connecting PlugsFonctionnement DE LA Machine a Coudre RaccordementInterrupteur principal et de la lampe Main Power and Sewing Light SwitchesFoot Controller PédaleChecking the Needle Inserting the NeedlePour mettre l’aiguille en place Vérification de l’aiguilleCambio del prensatelas Changing the Presser FootChangement de pied-de-biche Troca do pé calcadorSteadying the Machine Converting to Free-Arm StyleModèle bras libre Pour stabiliser la machinePattern Selection Dial Descriptif DES Differentes CommandesDistintos Mandos Sélecteur de modèle de pointPatterns and Stitch Names Motifs ET Noms DES PointsDibujo Y Nombre DE LOS Puntos Puntada Nombre Página DELLevier de couture en marche arrière Enfilage DE LA MachineReverse Sewing Lever Winding the BobbinBobinado de la canilla Enhebrado DE LA MáquinaEnrolador da bobina Enhebrado inferior de la canilla Lower bobbin ThreadingMise en place du fil inférieur canette Passagem da linha inferior da bobinaUpper Needle Threading Mise en place du fil supérieur Fil de l’aiguilleBring the thread down and pass it behind the thread guide Para sacar el hilo de la canilla Drawing Up Lower bobbin ThreadRemontée du fil inférieur canette Para puxar o fio da bobinaMise EN Place DE L’AIGUILLE Jumelee Twin-Needle Sewing OptionCouture avec l’aiguille jumelée Option Mise EN Place DU PORTE-BOBINE SupplementairePara Introducir LA Aguja Doble Costura con aguja doble OpciónCostura com agulha dupla Opções Para Instalar EL Porta Carretes ExtraTensión de los hilos Thread TensionTension des fils Tensão da linhaLa tension inférieure est insuffisante Tableau DES Combinaisons TISSU/AIGUILLE/FIL Sewing Fabrics Needle Sizes Thread SizesTejidos Tamaño DE Aguja Tamaño DE Hilo Tabla DE Relación Entre TEJIDOS, Hilos Y AgujasTecidos Point droit Straight StitchingPuntada recta Costurar com ponto reto Para empezar a coser fig. a Puntadas zigzag Ponto ziguezague Zigzag StitchingPoints zigzag Point ZigzagPuntadas invisibles Blind Hem StitchingPoint élastique invisible Embainhar com ponto invisível elásticoPoint élastique Elastic StitchingPuntada elástica Costura elástica Point picot Shell Tuck StitchingPuntada ondas Ponto concha Para coser ojales Casear Making a ButtonholeCréation d’une boutonnière Making a ButtonholeStep Sewn Portion Pattern How to Sew Marche a Suivre Pour Faire UNE BoutonniereCosido DE UN Ojal Fazer UMA BotoeiraPara Completar LAS Puntadas Y Cortar EL Ojal Securing the Stitching and Cutting the BUTTON- HoleComment Arreter LA Couture ET Ouvrir LA BOUTON- Niere Para Arrematar OS Pontos E Cortar Abrir a CasaAjuste fino de los ojales Buttonhole Fine AdjustmentEquilibrage des boutonnières Ajuste do caseadoCoser botones Button SewingPour coudre un bouton Pregar botõesInsertion de fermeture à glissière Zipper InsertionPoner de cremalleras Pregar zípers Pour froncer un tissu GatheringFruncido Franzir Reprisage DarningZurcido Cerzidura passajar Appliques AppliquesAplicaciones Aplicações decorativas Monogramas y bordados Monogramming and EmbroideringMonogrammes et broderies Execução de monogramas e de bordadosMonogramming fig. a AvisoCambio de la bombilla Remplacement de l’ampouleChanging the Bulb Substituição da lâmpadaGraissage CleaningOiling EngrasadoLimpieza LimpezaEventuais problemas e sua solução Performance ChecklistListado de posibles incidencias Contact Your Local Service Center Machine is Noisy or Slow Contacter LE Centre Technique LE Plus Proche Liste DE Verification DES Defaillances Pongase EN Contacto CON EL Servicio Tecnico Local La combinaison Aiguille/fil/tissu est Incorrecte Solicite OS Serviços DA Assistência Técnica Autorizada Agulha Parte Emballage de la machine ImportanteRepacking the Machine Embalaje de la máquinaIndex Index Broderies 40-41Indice 40-41Índice English Français Español

LS 2125 specifications

The Brother LS 2125 is a versatile and efficient sewing machine that caters to both beginners and experienced sewists. Designed with user-friendliness in mind, it combines functionality and affordability, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of sewing projects.

One of the standout features of the Brother LS 2125 is its 21 built-in stitch functions. These stitches include essential utility stitches, decorative stitches, and a one-step buttonhole, allowing users to explore creativity while completing practical tasks. The variety of stitch options provides ample opportunities for customization, ensuring that every sewing project can be tailored to individual preferences.

The machine is equipped with a quick-set drop-in bobbin system, which simplifies the process of inserting the bobbin and reduces the risk of thread jams. The clear view cover allows sewists to monitor thread supply, making the sewing experience more seamless. Additionally, the Brother LS 2125 includes a built-in automatic needle threader, a feature that minimizes eye strain and saves time, particularly useful for those who sew frequently.

In terms of performance, the LS 2125 boasts a powerful motor that is capable of handling various fabrics, from lightweight materials to thicker textiles. Its adjustable stitch length and width provide further control, allowing users to refine their techniques and achieve professional results. The machine’s lightweight and compact design also make it portable, an advantage for those who enjoy attending classes or sewing events.

Furthermore, the Brother LS 2125 emphasizes ease of use with its intuitive layout and straightforward control panel. The machine features a free arm configuration, which is ideal for sewing cylindrical items such as sleeves and hems. The included accessories, such as multiple sewing feet and a dust cover, enhance its versatility and functionality, ensuring users have everything they need to get started right away.

With its combination of practical features and user-centered design, the Brother LS 2125 stands out as a reliable option for anyone looking to embark on or continue their sewing journey. Whether you aim to create garments, home décor, or craft projects, this sewing machine is equipped to meet your diverse sewing needs. Its blend of technology, functionality, and user-friendly characteristics make it a commendable tool for creativity and craftsmanship.