Allocating and saving a coffee type
It is best to take the capsule carousel out of the machine so that you can see which type of coffee you have put into each chamber more easily.
Select type
^Use the arrow sensors to select the type of coffee you want to allocate to the selected chamber and touch the OK sensor.
Rename type
^Touch one of the arrow sensors to highlight "Rename type", and touch the OK sensor.
You can allocate up to 10 of your own types of coffee. If you try to allocate more than 10 types of coffee, "Memory full" will appear in the display and you will need to delete one type of coffee to create space.
As soon as you have allocated a type of coffee, this type will be available to use for any of the chambers even if you have carried out the allocation process with Chamber 1 programming option selected, for example.
Letters and numbers will now appear in the display. Use the arrow sensors to select the letters and numbers you require.
A new word always starts with a capital letter. The rest of the word will automatically be in lower case.
^Use the arrow sensors to select the character you require.
^Confirm the character by pressing the OK button.
The characters you have chosen will appear in the top line of the display.
If you make a mistake, use the arrow sensors to select the bin symbol and touch the
OK sensor. The last character will be deleted.
Saving an entry
^When you have finished making your entry, use the arrow sensors to highlight the word "OK" and then touch the OK sensor.
The menu for the chamber you are "filling" will appear in the display.
^To leave this menu, use the arrow sensors to highlight "Back A", and then touch the OK sensor.
Not saving an entry
^If you don't wish to save your entry,
use the arrow sensors to highlight "Back A" and then touch the OK sensor.