TROUBLESHOOTING (Qualified Technicians Only)
Unplug Appliance Before Performing Any Troubleshooting or Maintenance
4. Blowers will | There is no power to the stove. | Check that the stove is plugged in to the wall outlet. |
not operate |
when the start | There is no power to the control | Check to see if your circuit breaker has tripped. |
switch is de- | board. |
pressed. |
| Check the wire connections on the high limit disc and |
| Control board. |
5. There is soot | The window is being cleaned when | Turn down the room air blower or turn off stove before |
or fly ash in the | the stove is operating. | cleaning to prevent dispersion of ash and soot into the |
house. | There is leakage at the joints be- | room. |
| |
| tween the exhaust blower, connec- | Seal up any leaks in the exhaust system with room tem- |
| tion or exhaust pipe connections. | perature vulcanizing silicone sealer (RTV). |
| This will be evidenced by dust on |
| the impeller of the room air blower, | DO NOT use a standard household vacuum or “shop vac” |
| and in the heat exchanger area. | as the filters will leak the fine particles of ash. Clean the |
| The vacuum cleaner is leaking. | stove with an approved ash vacuum ONLY. |
| |
6. Stove acts as if | Excessive sun light may be shining | Block excessive sunlight. Call your authorized Lennox |
a fire is present | directly into firebox from window. | Hearth Products dealer if problem persists. |
when there is |
not a fire in the |
grate. |
7. Stove will not | The igniter element may have | Check igniter element fuse in rear stove compartment. |
light. | failed. | Call your authorized Lennox Hearth Products dealer. See |
| alternate manual lighting procedure |
| There are not enough pellets in the | Prime the feed system (see page 18, Initial Start |
| UltraGrate. | Up/Empty Hopper or Feed Tube). |
8. Fault | Photoeye not detecting flame. | Clean photoeye lens (see Clean Photoeye Lens on page |
| 23.) |
| Stove has run out of fuel. | Check connection at control board following yellow wires |
| to all connectors. |
| Refill hopper. |
| A disk has tripped / pressure | Blower intake, exhaust passages and / or venting system |
| switch. | needs cleaning (follow routine and annual maintenance |
| procedures). |
| If this does not correct the problem contact your local au- |
| thorized Lennox Hearth Products dealer. |
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